Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Bad Ass Jacket

La Classe Couture jacket, H&M dress, Chinese Laundry belt, 
Liliana studded pumps (last seen here) Old Navy tights & Suzy necklace

Honestly, how many (faux) leather jackets can I buy in one season?!  This would be the third, or fourth, considering I bought two at the same time.  I know.  The worst part?  It's now too cold here to actually wear them outside, however, I was super anxious to put this bad boy to good use so I made it work for indoors - and I'm quite pleased (so pleased that I belted it over another outfit within a week).

So Christmas is a mere three days away (omg, typing that just make me freak out a little more) and I'm so unprepared.  My shopping is almost done (is it ever really done?  Like, don't you always feel you need, 'just one more thing'?  ...story of my life) but I haven't started wrapping.  That was supposed to be last night and I ended up making some jewelery for a few friends as Christmas gifts (still productive) plus I had a couple orders from customers as well.  Tonight I will wrap, I must, I must, I must increase ... the amount of wrapping I do...?  Right.  How about just start.  Sheesh.  I'm on a time crunch tonight too, as my girl friend and I are doing our gift exchange tonight around 9pm and I just found out that her boyfriend got her one of the same things I got her (out of three items I have for her).  Awesome.  So, I will be on a mad hunt to exchange it for something else (yes, all tonight before the exchange, before doing all my wrapping and all that jazz).  I'll be sure to post about our exchange and show you my goodies!  Yipee, Christmas is fun!




  1. That IS one bad ass jacket!! I love the contrast with the yellow! Great outfit BBFF!

  2. yes, indeed!
    i would strut all day in that.

  3. i love the jacket! i wrapped gifts last night. im so glad its over with. lol

  4. LOVE this look and grea shoes xxxx

  5. I love this look! Very chic. Well done missy!

    Btw... yes of course I would include the boys in on the baby shower. I just couldn't leave out daddy and grandpa! :)

  6. Every girl needs one of those. I love the necklace and stockings also.. very cool combo!
    Sprinkles in Springs

  7. Yellow and black is such a nice color combo! Love thoes studded heels.

    <3, natasha

  8. Love the jacket! I never feel done with my shopping either!

  9. I lovve the jacket and the dress together! and those tights!! Hope you have a very merry Christmas!! :)

  10. I love how something like a (faux) leather jacket can instantly give an outfit this effortless cool appeal. Great look :)

    Hope you made out ok in getting everything done on time!

  11. I looove your blog!
    follow me too
    Merry X-mas

  12. Love how you crossed the jacket over the front with the belt... Hope things are calmer now the Christmas shopping madness is done? Of course, it is Boxing Week now...

  13. lovee the jacket!
    i've been obsessed with leather, too!

  14. sexy hose & heel combo!


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