Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Give-Away! (closed)

It's GIVE-AWAY time!  I'm doing my first give-away to thank you all so much for the support, comments and visits to my blog.  I started blogging a mere three months ago and cannot believe how far I've come and all the great people I've 'met' in this great blogging world.  Your comments mean so much to me and really encourage me to post frequently and keep things fresh - so thank you!

Up for grabs:  An A.Co Designs original chocolate pearl necklace with a satin ribbon

Here are the rules:

1. You must be a follower (yes, I will check)

2. Visit my Etsy Store and tell me what your favourite piece is or what you'd like to see

*** Extra Entries ***

2 entries ~ Post / Blog about this giveaway on your site
(be sure to comment again & let me know)

1 entry ~ Tweet about this giveaway & include the link 
(be sure to include me in your tweet: @ACoest1984)

The give-away closes on Thursday, May 6 at 9pm EST

* If you don't have a blog, please leave your email address


Anonymous said...

I follow of course :)
I love your Lucky Key necklace!
Here's my Tweet: http://twitter.com/fashionsmaven/status/13353022060

Linda said...

Oh my, I just discovered I wasn't following yet - but that's just because you appear on our blog roll so I always know when you update.

I am torn between your lucky key necklace and your night owl necklace, they're both lovely!

Can't believe you've only been blogging for 3 months, it seems so much longer! Keep up the great work. ;-)

ssmall4 said...

Yay! a giveaway! Gorgeous necklace! Your shop is great! I'm adding it to my facebooks fave pages :D I love the nautical necklace<3

Jenn said...

I will leave this gem for all your followers- what a great idea A...think you're doing such a great job with this blog.

I look forward to reading it everyday! :)

Miss you!!!! XOXOXO

Kate said...

I think you know my favourite piece is the nautical necklace ;)

Unknown said...

New follower! Found you from Cupcakes and Cashmere. LOVE the necklace! My favorite piece from your shop is the Lila Peal and silk ribbon necklace!

my email is caraalynn@gmail.com

Also, just wanted to let you know that I'm having my first ever giveaway and would love for you to enter!


Jamie said...

Sorry I have been MIA...well NYC should I say... ;)

Ok so LOVE this necklace!!
I am also loving the Eiffel Tower necklace, that little flower brooche and the Madison double strand necklace!

You've got skills! I am still reeling over those DIY studded wedges that I am fully planning to make!!


Justine said...

Id love to win, girl! I heart your stuff, but I love that Owl necklace. You have such a great eye for jewelry. :)


Amanda said...

My favorites are the night owl necklace and the feather skirt (SO fun and perfect with the black tank you show!) I just followed you on Blogger and Twitter (I use an RSS reader/Wordpress so don't follow many Blogger people) and tweeted here: http://twitter.com/amandawilliams1/status/13370632715

julianne. said...

oh my goshh gurl i am dying over this.
i love all your pieces literally, i wanted to buy some stuff sometime son.
so uhm my favorite item is EVERYTHING.
and this freekin adorable necklace.
i will put a link on my side bar since i love you and your blog too incredibly much and i will tweet my sweet love.
and you better know i folllowww. <3333

Caitlin @ Candyfloss & Persie said...

Few things: That necklace you're giving away is amazing and I'm so excited to be entering! Are ya kidding me! Gorgeous!! Secondly, I'm thankful you're having a giveaway because I had no idea I wasn't following you- sorry! I talk to certain people enough where I just assume I am! And Third: by far the Lucky Key necklace is my favorite! I have a love for keys in interior design/fashion (old keys obviously) and i think it's SO cute.

Valerie said...

What a gorgeous necklace! I'm a follower, of course. ;) Everything in your Etsy shop is so cute, but my favorites are the Lucky Key necklace and the Audrey Metallic Beaded necklace. Love them both!


Teri said...

The Nautical necklace is super cute. Really loving all the necklaces.
I'm a new follower on bloglovin'.

Thanks for the giveaway,

Amber's Notebook said...

I love that necklace!

I checked out your etsy shop and I love the key necklaces, so cool!

Sharon Lei said...

What a beautiful necklace. I want to win this!! Please oh please. :) Visited your Etsy shop and I LOVE the Lucky Key necklace. I LOVE IT!!

I'll be crossing my fingers and toes!

xx Love & Aloha

p.s. This whole time I thought I was a follower.. but I wasn't.. but I fixed that!! Yay!

E said...

oooh I want this so bad!! its soo pretty!!

My favourite item from your shop is the owl necklace :)


p.s: Thanks for entering my giveaway too!

Isabel said...

i love the key and owl! how long are they? i think might feature one on the blog...

LyddieGal said...

Yay giveaway!!!!
I love the nautical necklace - I am just so into nautical right now!

Chic on the Cheap

Kimmy Davis said...

P.S...found your shoes!!


I got married last year and totally know what you mean!! Ooooh..can't wait to see your wedding pics :)


Anonymous said...

Hi, enter me please;)

Anonymous said...

Please enter me, I am a follower.

I love the Lucky Key necklace on your Etsy.

Anonymous said...

The Jordan Metal and Ribbon Necklace gets my vote for favourite item!

You are a creative girl!

Thanks for this opportunity!

emsloves (at) gmail (dot) com

MsHark said...

I've been a follower!
I'd love to be entered. I love all the key necklaces, but also some of your necklaces remind me of one i just bought at J crew and blogged about yesterday.

sleighh122 at gmail dot com, but you can reach my at my blog

Steph :)

Unknown said...

beautiful! I'm a follower.. hopefully I'm not the last person to enter :(

I love owl city. Your owl necklace reminds me of it. I like >

Night Owl Necklace

email: holli_cut3_sparks@hotmail.com

Unknown said...

Enter me please. You know I'm a follower. :)

Unknown said...

I really like all the locket pieces.

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