Tuesday, May 11, 2010


My BBFF Jamie from GLAM LATTE has gifted me with a blogger award (thnx JW!).  Last time, I listed some facts about myself and this time the rules are no different:  I have to list 7 things about myself and then nominate a few other bloggers for the award.

1.  I'm chronically late.  It's terrible.  I'm trying to fix it.
2.  My nails are always painted, including toes (even in the winter, just like JW)
3.  One of my good friends (AT) just got engaged and I'm sooo happy for her/them!
4.  For work, I prefer skirts to dress pants.
5.  I steam everything and steam everyday.  Okay, not my socks.  (What? I don't like creases)
6.  I've purchased my wedding shoes (!) and have been instructed to, 'break them in' ...but isn't that cheating?!
7.  I'm more of a necklace person than an earring person.

Nominations go to:

Sharon @ elisharon
Julianne @ Lace and Leather
Louise @ Fifth Sparrow


  1. It's not cheating (re: the wedding shoes) if you just wear them indoors! Dance around your house in them & think of your happy day!!

  2. It's not cheating, just wear them around your house some :)

  3. i never iron anything. EVER! LOL im far too lazy for that!

    Walk of Fashion

  4. I agree with the above post - wear them around the house! I know I would be!! I also prefer skirts to pants!


  5. Oh, adorable blog! :))
    I would love to invite you to my giveaway - you can win great makeup and accessories, don't miss it :)) Enter here:



  6. ah thank you! Loved reading these too: I am more a of an earring person than a necklace :) You steam every day, that is impressive. And can you break in your wedding shoes around the house??? Also- I forgot to mention awhile ago about a dream you said we were in together? That is so funny, I loved it- so funny where your mind goes at night!

  7. i love you! thank you, you sweet gorgeous thing! <3333

  8. I have read Something Borrowed and loved it! Something Blue (the second book in the series) is fabulous too. I was actually going to post about them but didn't want to put TOO many books up. Haha I have so many favs :)

  9. CONGRATS on the award.
    I always have my nails painted too.
    I would break in the shoes too. You don't want to limp down the aisle.

  10. You are so adorable! Thank you for the award, you've officially put a huge smile on my face!

    I also agree with you about the steamer and the necklaces! xx

  11. oh my i had so much catching up to do. i haven't had a chance to visit any of my fave blogs. all caught up now. it was nice getting to spend so much time here though. you are looking gorgeous as ever, and deserve every award there is to offer!!


  12. Congrats on your award!! You deserve it!! :) I don't think it's cheating to break your wedding shoes in, you don't want your feet to hurt on the big day!!

  13. I am always late too! Always. It's such a bad habit.. and like you, I'm slowly working on that! :)Thanks so much for passing the award on to me! You're such a sweetie. Hope you're having a great day!

    xx Love & Aloha

  14. Thank you darling for the blog award. Congrats to you on your award!!!!

  15. Congratulations on your award!!! And thank you for passing it to me!! I'm honored! How exciting that you bought your wedding shoes! I can't wait to see them. I prefer skirts to pants at work too. They seem easier to throw on and I can then decide on heels or flats (most of my pants are too long for flats). Are you back to wearing heels? How did the experiment go?



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