Wednesday, May 29, 2013

What I Keep in my Gym Bag



  1. I am unfortunately a little bit of an impulse shopper. When I go shopping, I find it really, really hard to pass up something that I love, even if it's not what I went shopping for and even if I know I should pass it up. I think the key to sticking to what you went to the mall for is to avoid going into any stores that don't contain what you're supposed to be looking for; if you don't see it, then you won't be tempted to buy it!

    I love online shopping but definitely prefer to be in a mall, as you do.

  2. I am an official lululemon junkie! I've been eyeing that bag for a while too.

    What colour lipstick are you wearing? It looks great on you!

  3. I watched the video on low volume (at work, shh) and at the end I was CRACKING up at the bloopers. Did you say you won a cruise!??!

    You and your bestie are so lucky. I remember the time where she won a trip and took YOU. So awesome.


Only nice comments please. That means you, Anonymous.

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