Thursday, November 22, 2012

Inter-City Living

Outfit deets:
* Winners top.
* Vigoss jeans (via Alloy) that I love because they come in a 37" inseam & last seen almost three years ago with a classic trench.
* Aldo wedges.
* Accessories:  Club Monaco scarf & Aldo clutch.
(This outfit is actually from early spring last year and I never used it, I'd totally rock this look for fall though).

I love living in the city.  It's been just over a year since I moved out of the suburbs and into an urban area and it's been great.  I love being close to work, downtown, shops and stores and how easy it is to get together with my other city-living friends. 

So while taking a walk on my lunch break the other day, around the neighbouring neighbourhoods, I was shocked when I felt a little sad about no longer living in suburbia.  Surely I couldn't be pining for a lawn and garden to keep up with, not to mention all that extra space a house holds that needs to be kept clean?  But yet I was and I envisioned back to what life was like with a yard, and space, and multiple rooms (a far cry from the one-bedroom apartment I now call home). 

Then a moment of anxiety set in: will I grow tired of city living before my new condo is ready?  Will I wish I was moving back to the quiet subdivisions I always knew and loved?


And the moment was dashed because I know one day, when I'm ready, I will eventually move back to the outskirts of the city, where there is still bustle, but is is less congested and where I will have more space, and a lawn, and a garden and separate living rooms... and besides, I really hate gardening anyways.

1 comment

  1. Dynamite has some real gems. This jacket is fantastic. I like the kind of retro 70s vibe with your jeans and boots, but how the scarf and updo give it a modern edge.


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