Thursday, January 5, 2012

Christmas Holidays: iPhone Snaps

The Christmas holidays for me this year included lots of family, sleeping in every day, far too much food and plenty of good times.  I'd love to share with you some highlights of my 10 days off...
I kicked off my holidays right by staying in and ordering Indian take-out.  The butter chicken wasn't the best, but that fact that I didn't have to venture out was a big plus.
The following morning, Christmas Eve, my sister and I hosted a birthday brunch for our Dad at her place.  We made breakfast burritos (the birthday boy's request) and roasted potatoes and served vanilla and chocolate cake for dessert.

My sister and her fiance recently got a new puppy and named her Piper.  Needless to say, I'm an obsessed Auntie.
That night, my sister and I headed over to our parent's place (tradition) where my mom had a massive spread of treats and goodies (I brought those ginger cookies I love).  We pigged out and had a great time before all heading off to bed around midnight.
On Christmas morning, we awoke to a continuous snowfall (so pretty).  We raced into the living room to see what Santa brought us (and Santa didn't disappoint!).
After we open our stockings, we always have breakfast before moving onto the presents.   My mom made the (Pillsbury) cinnamon buns and croissants that my sister brought and I made everyone Mimosas. 
We spent the rest of day lazing around, playing with our new gifts (yes, that is my new Michael Kors watch - a gift from my parents!  Eep!  So excited!) and of course prepping dinner.
For Christmas dinner we had turkey, stuffing, mashed carrots/turnip, sweedish potatoes, corn, peas, tomato aspec & broccoli salad.  It's my favourite meal.  Ever.  Much later in the night, after my grandparents had left, my Dad broke out his mad bartending skills and made us all ceasers.
In the days that followed Christmas, the weather got worse and we were dumped with a lot more snow (but it was quite pretty).
I met up a with an out of town friend at a new-ish Italian place and we both enjoyed the manicotti.  Afterwards, I did a little shopping and picked up the off-white top from Old Navy (among other things).  A couple days later I attempted to make bite-sized baked brie (but they didn't exactly turn out great).
For NYE I headed up to cottage country where there was lots of relaxing (by the fire reading my newested borrowed book), card and board games were played, curried shrimp poutine was eaten, and the scenery was beautiful.

Overall it was a great Christmas and so nice to have an extended vacation.  Hope your Christmas was as wonderful!


  1. Such a fun post! And all that food looks SO yummy! PS: You asked about how I got those numbers on my instagram post last week, and I forgot to respond that I use Picnik for that. Super easy, hope that helps!

  2. Lots of yummy food + cuddling with an adorable puppy- looks like a pretty perfect time to me :)

  3. I seriously need an iPhone. . . just so I can take fun artsy pictures!

    Piper is adorable! I am not even a dog lover and I officially want a puppy that looks like him.

    I'm glad you had such a great break!


  4. Husband missing in all the pix???? Dont get it?

  5. I love that photo of you with the cute little dog. You are just beautiful and radiant. It looks like you had a wonderful Christmas with family. I was so happy to see that. Thinking of you & sending you all good wishes. -Mara


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