Monday, March 7, 2011

All Packed, Ready to Go

I'm off to Florida today and I couldn't be more excited.  Well, I guess I could if hubs was coming with me, that's sad and I'm pretty sure when we say goodbye I might be a complete mess.  Better break out the water proof mascara.  

I spent hours (yes, hours) planning and packing.  It's kind of annoying, but, at least my outfits are styled and I didn't just throw a million things into my suitcase and call it a vacation.  The last trip I took was to Toronto and it was for an extended weekend but I planned everything out and it worked out really well.  I was determined to do that again however, planning for a full week (with temperamental weather) is a bit trickier (hence why it took so long).  I put together 12 looks and added a few random pieces in just in case.  I think I'm finally ready and just need to throw my carry-on bag together, pack my toiletries and I'll be on my way.  By this evening I'll be stepping off the plane into complete weather bliss.  Goodbye snow, hello beach!

The suits

I wasn't planning on packing six pairs of shoes but I think this works.  I styled all the outfits with shoes which was helfpul.  The three pairs of heels are all wedges, and personal faves.

Accessories - was planning on sticking to strictly silver and ended up with a lot more gold.

The things you didn't see:  
* workout clothes 
(um, yeah, who am I again?  I'm actually planning on working out while on vacation? Weirdo, but, I think the absence of hubs will give me time to go running on the beach... we'll see how ambitious this actually is.)
* black leather jacket, denim jacket & tan leather jacket 
(this was hard to narrow it down to just three and I need the black one in order to go on my Dad's motorcycle should I choose to accompany him and my mom to Daytona Bike Week)
* sweatpants, leggings x2, sweat skirt, terry shorts & a denim skirt



  1. florida? so jealous! it's cold in seattle. i want some sun and beach action! can't wait for the photos!

    <a href=">modern.girl</a>

  2. Nice! You're so organized, I'm a HORRIBLE packer so I love any packing tips like this, have so much fun! also, I try to work out on vacations too... it's hard but holy crap, feels so good.

  3. So fun seeing the items all laid out like that! I love the gold watch, and those gray wedges are to die for! Have an amazing trip, lady! Bring back some of that sun & warmth!

  4. That's pretty impressive! No wonder it took you a while. I hate packing. It takes me long enough to decide what to wear on a day to day basis let alone a whole week! Have fun in sunny Florida! I'm a bit jealous!

  5. Fabulous outfits! Have fun!!!

    Classy & Fabulous

  6. Would you be offended if I said I had to stop following your blog our of jealousy? Because I might. I might also be inclined to tell you that you suck... but that's just rude!

    Ramblings of a Small Town Girl
    Fanciful Brainstorm - Tumblr

  7. You are going to have a blast! I always pack like that too. If I have all of my outfits pre-planned then I don't have to think about it while I am away. My mom lives in Florida so I try to go every once in awhile wish I was going now! Have fun!!

  8. Welcome to Florida! :)

    xoxo, natasha


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