Friday, February 18, 2011

Lookey Lookey

 Lapis jacket (last seen here), top, Joe Fresh tank CoolWear leggings, Aldo boots
Le Chateau pashmina & H&M bangle

Look!  My new boots!  I finally wore them.  Yes, you read correctly, I haven't worn them despite receiving them for Christmas because I was a little wary about the height of the heel on these.  I'd begged husband to get them for me for Christmas but had only coveted them from afar (aka online).  When I opened the box, I was ecstatic... until I saw the height of the heel.  Definitely five inches, maybe a tad more... Being 5'11 I try to draw the line at 4.75 inches.  No, it doesn't make a huge difference for most, but I'm tall enough as it is and I can certainly feel insecure when I'm towering over everyone and have people commenting left, right, and centre about how tall I am.  That said, I love heels and won't give them up, I've learned to love my height (I can't change it so I embrace it) but I have to draw the line somewhere and that line is at 4.75 inches. 

However, I love and loved these boots so much I couldn't return them.  I decided the perfect opportunity would be to wear them out while with my tallest friend and it worked out well because she wore heels as well and we were the same height.  Love it.  Not only that, they were pretty comfy despite the narrow sole pad and I shopped till I dropped in them (with back-up flats in my bag, of course, which I didn't end up needing - score).

 photo cred PK

Update:  my outfit ended up being feature on MTV!  Check it out HERE.



  1. The boots look hot! I love them.

  2. You should def. embrace it. I would love some killer long legs, but I'm stuck at 5'2 1/2!! Like you said.. embrace it, right? The boots are hott so you better continue to rock em!

    By the way, I'm giving away a really cute ring on my blog. It ends tonight so be sure to check it out!

  3. Totally know what you mean about the high heels...I'm a little over 5'9" and sometimes you feel like a giant in high heels! You totally rock them anyway, so who cares???

  4. Those boots are so fierce & unique! You look very chic in them :)

  5. i WISH i have the same problem. except my problem is that i'm too SHORT. 5'11" and this hot? seriously girl, you should try modeling. jealous!


  6. HOTTIE! I'm lovin' those bad ass boots. And so awesome that you were able to shop in them all day long. Definite bonus in my book!

    xx Love & Aloha

  7. These. boots. Are. SICK!!! Love love love!! I am wondering at what point is that ridiculous shoe room of yours is going to be at capacity? (sigh) Why can't we be the same size?!?!


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