Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Inspiration: iPhone Snaps


Lately I've been using my iPhone to snap various pictures of styles I'm feeling in magazines.  It's a great go-to when I'm feeling less than inspired and also makes me feel less guilty about chucking my magazines (I have a sick collection, literally sickening as I need to get rid of it, that has amassed over the past decade or so).  I love being able to refer to the photos when putting outfits together or planning a shopping trip.  These are my most recent favourite looks.



  1. I do that too! Love the second outfit and could totally see you in it.

  2. i love the skirt in the first photo. id love to wear that this summer.

    Isabel @ Walk of Fashion

  3. That's such a good idea!! I am especially loving the first two looks. I have a pile of magazines I haven't even gotten too yet...on the to do list!


  4. Okay, I definitely need to start doing this your way because I keep the ENTIRE magazine when I have pages I've marked for inspiration. Starting today I'm going to take an iphone pic and toss the mag. Why didn't I think of that?? Great idea, A!



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