Wednesday, February 2, 2011

I Missed My Blog's Birthday


I forgot my blog's birthday.  There, I said it.  A.Co est. 1984 turned one on the weekend and I forgot.  What did I do to celebrate you ask?  Nothing - hello, I forgot.  Are you going to keep rubbing it in my face?  Sheesh.

Oh well, happy birthday little blog.  You have become a great passion of mine over the past year and I'm so happy we are doing this thing called blogging together.



  1. Happy Blog Birthday! Better late than never :)

  2. bhaha. wanna hear something funny? I missed my blogs Bday. It was back in October or November (how sad I don't even know. . i could check but i dont want to switch windows right now) anyway, I kept reminding myself, oh write about it now! for the next few weeks after and then i never got around to it. So when I read yours I was like. . oh yeah! I missed my blog bday. . . oh well. . it's much too late now to bother. hah

    Okay, So teaching went super well. The kids are awesome and except for the fact that I wrote 2009 as the date there were no issues with the teaching. I'm actually just currently waiting to see if it's a snow day. . . fingers crossed!!

  3. Happy Birthday A.CO est. 1984!

  4. Happy Birthday!!! Love having you as my BBFF!! (What if you were never born and I didn't have a BBFF?? Whoa, glad that was only a momentary what if!)

  5. Happy Birthday to your blog! It's a cute one! I hope to be as blogger happy as you by this time next year:)


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