Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Discount Shopping Tip

September 2009, taken with iPhone
It's no secret that I love to shop.  Shoes are my favourite, especially when I can purchase them online.  I find the selection is so much better online, you can get great deals and not wear something else everyone already has. I can't say I do a lot of clothing shopping online, a few things here and there, but it's mainly shoes. 

I wanted to bring my lovely readers' attention to a fantastic site for online shopping.  It's called Retail Me Not and it's a consumer 'run' site for all your shopping discount codes.  I always check this site before making any purchase online.  Other consumers will add their coupon/discount codes to the site (free, and you can too) which you can search and often use on your purchase.  I have saved hundreds of dollars simply by using coupon/discount codes others have shared.  So what are you waiting for?  Before shopping, use this fantastic tip and save yourself some $.

I am in no way affiliated with retailmenot.com and this post is simply my own views and opinions.  
I am all for saving money where I can and wanted to share this great tip with all of you.


  1. I always forget to use that site for some reason. Must remind myself!

  2. I love retailmenot.com! I've definitely trained myself to search the site before purchasing ANYTHING online.

  3. Love retailmenot! Always try to remember to use them :)

  4. I have to ask, what shoes are you wearing in this picture?

  5. I have to ask, what shoes are you wearing in this picture?

  6. @Anon: I'm wearing Aldo flat 'mules'. You can find almost identical ones here :)


Only nice comments please. That means you, Anonymous.

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