Thursday, August 5, 2010


American Apparel vest, H&M top (last seen here), Sirens skirt, Suzy belt,
Aldo wedges (last seen here), Bijoux Terner necklace, Aldo bangle & Suzy ring

We have been having crazy rain storms here the past couple of days, which isn't exactly normal for us. I had planned to shoot this outfit post outside, but when it started to pour, that plan changed quickly.  Good thing I snapped up these shots beforehand because I was greated by a very unpleasant surprise when I left work:  my car sitting in a flooded parking lot at work!  Not only that, but my car was the only car (out of hundreds) in the deepest water (what are the chances?!).  After wading to my car (and taking some pictures along the way), I nervously opened my door hoping water wouldn't flow in (as it was to the bottom of the doors), but to my surprise, there already was water inside my car, an inch deep!  Oh yeah, and my former wedding shoes were on the floor in the backseat in a pool of water.  Awesome.  Oh yeah, did I mentioned I got a parking ticket at work, that day? 

{ I took my shoes off to walk through the huge pool to get to my car -
it was almost at my knees at the deepest part -ie. beside my car }



  1. oh my god!! but the car still works?
    the weather over here in germany has been crazy lately too...

    hope today is gonna be a better day for you!

    and: WONDERFUL outfit, by the way ;)

  2. Holy crap balls. I'm sooo sorry to hear about your car. I hope it's okay. That flooding is insane! :/

    Oh a light note, you do look fabulous. I was gonna get that vest from AA, but the Pirate said that I should just make it. Apparently he thinks I can make everything! ha ha.

    Hope tomorrow is better A! :)

    xx Love & Aloha

  3. Love the vest/top/belt, but yikes about your car! Hope everything is ok!

  4. oh my goodness! that is just craaazy! I want to be a natural hazards advisor and usually things like this excite me (haha) but I just feel bad for you. Hope your car is okay.

  5. That's terrible hun! Sorry to hear about the water & your shoes. Try & stay dry :)

  6. Oh noes! I hope nothing is damaged permanently... those days are the worst. Not only do you get cold and wet, but you have to deal with the damages as well. A few weeks ago we also had a crazy rainstorm here. I came home drenched, to find that my boyfriend had left our bedroom window open, and our bedroom was well... under water.

  7. Sorry about your car.... But I love your shoes!! ;)

  8. Well that REALLY sucks about the rain and the water in your car!!:(
    Even WORSE about the shoes!!!! They are leather right? You can probably take them somewhere to be cleaned. I know there's a little italian man who owns a leather cleaning shop down the street from me. He does an amazing job. Maybe there's something like that near you??
    On the bright side, I LOVE, LOVE< LOVE this outfit! Love the top, love the vest, love the belt! (I have something similar)
    Anyway hope your week gets better. Thank goodness it's almost over!!

  9. Oh such a dissaster!! poor car!!

    but perfect outfit, nice blog!!

  10. Wow, that takes the cake for a bad day. I'm so sorry! I hope the car and shoes are ok, I'm sure with some cleaning they will be. I cannot believe how much rain you got, that parking lot photo is INSANE!

    You do look fabulous here though, so well put together and pretty!

  11. Hope you, your shoes and your car dry out OK. That is the worst.

    Your outfit is gorgeous though - I love the layers and your obi tying it all together. Gotta love an obi.

  12. Oh wow, I hope your car is okay! I can't believe how flooded your parking lot got - very scary :(

  13. no way, i can not believe that pool of water!!! love your look ;)

  14. :/ I hope the rain stops soon! Hope your car is ok!

    (love the belt!)

  15. Bad day but great outfit!!! I'm especially into the leopard top ...purrr. UGH..totally feel you on the parking tick. I've been slammed with like 3 recently. NOT COOL :(

  16. OMG insane! im in the ottawa area for the week and got caught in a major downpour on tuesday...left me soaking

  17. Oh no, that is sooo awful! I would have hated to wade through water to get to my car, were you even able to drive it?

    and the shoes!! will they survive?

    Chic on the Cheap

  18. Another adorable outfit!! I can't believe it rained that much! So much for Summer!

  19. What a sucky day!!! The good look unbelievably AMAZING! Love, love, love this outfit Amanda!
    I hope your car wasn't destroyed.

    Bren @ Chasing Beauty

  20. Oh geeze sorry about your car! Also that outfit is so darn cute! Possibly my favorite I've seen on here! :)


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