Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The Look for Less

{ Aldo, Geringer $110 }

You don't have to splurge to be stylish and I certainly live by that motto.  I found these great booties on Aldo's site and started to drool.  Fortunately, I've found a much cheaper (and almost identical) version at Forever 21.

{ Forever 21, Mistress $29.80 }


  1. They really look the same... I agree with you, you can be stylish with a low budget. It's all about how you carry yourself. xoxo

  2. Ooo, great find!

  3. Coolio!!! Go for it! xxx


  4. They are very similar, great find.

  5. oh wow, those are almost identical! great job finding em!

  6. helloo me again:) blog award for ya!=)

  7. love the booties! and u cant go wrong for $30!

    i have been teaching ESL for just about 2 1/2 years. i started right out of uni. i moved to korea for 2 years and now im living in south america. its an adventure!

  8. I agree 100%. I was thisclose of buying this strapless polka dotted dress from FCUK a while ago... thank god I didn't, because I found an almost exact replica at *gasps* f21! 30$ instead of 200$. I mean, what a deal! ;)

  9. Wow, great find! They look exactly the same. I might need to go check these out in person. :)

  10. ooh i have been wanting strapped heels like these! i may have to make a F21 trip in the very near future!! :)

  11. They DO look exactly like them!

    You can look like a million bucks and be wearing Target, it just depends on your style and how you put it all together!

    BTW check out my first giveaway!


  12. I'm the same way, nothing better than a great deal.

  13. Pretty dang close girly. Nice find!

  14. Dang.. they do look almost identical and it's for almost 1/4 of the price! I love the strappy bucket look. I must keep my eyes out for bargains at forever 21. This post is making me want to shop. =X

    PS. You are so creative! I was looking at your old post and I really like your DIY shirts.

    <3 Serena.


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