Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The Art of Greenery

Banana Republic dress, Vintage necklace (belonged to my great-grandmother!),
Lilliana pumps (also seen here), Suzy ring, Givernchy tights

So I've gone back on my word.  The weather went from super warm to somewhat chilly, hence, I'm back to wearing tights.  Not only does it seem appriopriate, but I haven't given my self-tanner the love it deserves and until then, the tights will reine.

Last night, my fiancĂ© and I went to check out the fab restaurant my bff works at, as a potential wedding venue.  We (sort-of) surprised her and had requested we sit in her section.  She was super happy to see us, as was I to see her (she's amazing!).  We had a fab dinner and of course she spoiled us with wine & two amazing desserts.  I stuffed myself and felt so full after, but it was a great night!  Love you beavs.

{ apple crumble with cinnamon ice cream / molten lava cake with vanilla bean ice cream ... so scrumptious! }

{ the bff surprised me by bring me my favourite drink with dessert: MILK! }


  1. The weather is horrible here too, the tights are back along with coats and jackets etc.
    Gorgeous dress it fits you perfectly [I find it hard finding shift dresses to fit me] and you look beautiful.
    Apple crumble is my favourite dessert, yUM!

  2. You are so pretty! Love the green necklace paired with the dress. The desserts, esp. the apple crumble (my fav) look delish!

    xo, becs

  3. Love Love LOVE This dress...Banans why must I love you so?! LOL

    What a gorgeous restaurant- hopefully you've narrowed your choices.

    Looking forward to our Fritatta tonight!

  4. Those desserts look seriously delicious... and love your dress too!

  5. Love this outfit! That necklace is amazing!!

    BTW I think the M.Oil would be ok on your hair the trick is to keep it away from the roots and only use a tiny bit :)

  6. What an amazing outfit - I love the green layered necklace! And your concert outfit was awesome. The shredded shirt looked great with the booties.

  7. That necklace is incredible! And how special that it was your great-grandmother's. Looks like a really fun night!

  8. You look beautiful!! Love the green necklace with the LBD!

    clothed much, a modest fashion blog

  9. The sheath fits you perfect!


  10. Your necklace is gorgeous and looks perfect with the LBD!

  11. your necklace is beautiful. and i love that you are dressed nice and your man is in a hoodie...exactly something my man would do too. lol

    Walk of Fashion

  12. Very classy & chic outfit! Perfect for those nice dinners out :] It looks like you had a great time & that was sweet of your BFF to get you your fave dessert drink :]

  13. you are too prettty honeyy!
    these pictures are gooorgeouss!
    looks like such a fun time! <3


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