I'm not really a baby person.  Does that sound bad?  It's true. I'm not one to ooh and ahh over a baby, coo at them or really take any interest in them.  It always felt awkward, and weird, like I just didn't get it.  I sometimes felt weird being a girl who wasn't into babies.  I've never been one to yearn for a child or wish away my freedom (aka baby-free life) too soon for a baby, and while I would like that someday, not just yet, please. 

However, that is slowly changing.  Instead of feeling 'meh' about babies, I'm starting to really like babies.  I even request to hold them when they are around and I like to make those silly noises and talk in that elevated voice.  I'm even quite comfortable holding a baby, whereas before it was total awkwardness.  And while I'm no where near to being close to wanting my own, I'm kind of digging babies lately.  How do you feel holding a baby?

* That cutie that I'm holding above is the reason I attended a baby shower back in the spring.  Isn't she adorable!?

Costa Blanca blazer, Old Navy tank, Boom Boom pants (last seen here), 
Gap wedges, Suzy belt worn as a necklace & F21 bangle

I've noticed a shift.  A change of sorts.  When I started blogging, I was all consumed with other fashion/person-style bloggers, couldn't get enough, fashion, fashion, fashion.  Well, apparently I'm growing diverse in my ripe ol' age of 27 as I'm beginning to see a shift.  I'm now more interested in content, not just fashion.  I want to read what you have to say, even better if it's the nitty gritty of random weekends, how cooking something ended up a disaster (or an amazing dinner party), or simply how the previous evening went down.  Sure, pictures to accompany these words are great, but I find myself coming back for more and more... words.

Have you seen this Craigslist ad?  I laughed out loud, multiple times.  Click here for the larger image.

Heading to MTL on Saturday

My weekend in Montreal was top notch (I never say that in real life) and so much fun.  I arrived at my girl friend's place around 10am, we chatted for a bit and then off we went to shop downtown.  If you've ever been to St. Catherine's Street in Montreal, you know how awesome it is.  If not, let me describe: blocks upon blocks of great shops, massive stores (Forever 21 is four floors. Four. Floors. {!}), tons of places to eat and just packed with people.  Stylish people (and some not so stylish people, but I love seeing the stylish ones as they seem much farther and fewer in between in the city I live in).

I told her that I needed at least two hours in H&M and after parking her car, I asked if that could be our first stop as I knew it'd be where I'd drop the most dough.  Was it where I dropped the most dough?  Yes, yes it was.  How much you ask?  Too much to disclose (just kidding, Mom).  Lastly, did I actually need the full two hours?  I needed more.  Two floors of H&M heaven, how could I not?  After carrying around a truckload of clothes on one arm and digging through racks with the other, I thought my clothed arm was about to fall off when my girl friend came to the rescue and took the massive pile so I could finish the store.  Next thing I know, she's worked out an arrangement in the fitting room (see photo below): my very own rolling rack of all the clothes I collected and need to try on (thanks sweet H&M sales girl).  I added a few more to that rack before venturing into the fitting room.  I emerged with several unique pieces and not a single basic (good girl).  I felt proud that I didn't cave and buy three more white tank tops and two in black, yet instead I focused on silk blouses, skinny pants and some amazing jewel-toned dresses.

After H&M we hit Forever 21 and I spent the rest of my time (and money) there.  It wasn't too busy but the fitting room lines were pretty long (as per usual).  I picked up far less than I did at H&M but still some great buys.  I'll share my purchases soon!

I have to mention this, while there (around 5pm) we experienced a Occupy Montreal.  Right down the middle of St. Catherine's Street, hundreds of people swarmed the street and walked up chanting and shouting and holding signs.  I wish I had of had my camera with me to snap a video as a picture wouldn't have done it justice (however this video was taken exactly where I was standing, right out front of F21).  I guess the protest was regarding Wall Street and started in the Financial District of MTL.  It was quite the sight to be seen: all these people yelling and walking amongst the cars in the middle of the street.  Nobody in their car could move until the 'parade' was over, and just when you thought it was over, they turned around and came back down.  They were people with megaphones, people with signs, people yelling, people chanting, people encouraging others to join them (ie. 'Dans la rue, avec nous!' translation: 'Come in the road with us'), and people videoing the crowds reactions.  Pretty interesting.

We finally headed home around 6pm and ended up ordering chinese food and staying in and catching up (over some red wine, of course).  It was perfect and productive as we cleaned out her closet and styled up some great outfits while at it (and she generously gifted me with a faux leather jacket she was done with... because I need another faux leather jacket, but in my defense I do not have one in this colour).  We crashed late after the perfect evening in.

Sunday I headed home in the late morning and spent the rest of the day tidying up my place and relaxing.  How were your weekends? 

 My rack at H&M

 Purchases (and sore feet)

Take-out (in actual chinese take-out boxes!)

Update:  Check out what I purchased in MTL.
All packed, ready to go.  I'm on my way to Montreal today to visit a girl friend and have a girls weekend.  The plan was for me to go with two other friends, but it didn't pan out at the last second and so it's just me and my MTL friend.  The plan is to shop till we drop, eat some delicious food, consume one too many glasses of wine at her place, and catch up.  It's been forever since we've done it and will be my first time visiting her since she moved away a year and a half ago.  Not only am I looking forward to seeing her but during our shopping trip we will be hitting H&M, and as you might remember, we don't have one of those in my city, and I'm so pumped.  I told her I need at least two hours in there and I should get my fix.  Have a great weekend!

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