Monday, November 23, 2015

Weekend Recap: iPhone Snaps


On Friday evening we headed out to see Mockingly Jay Part II but realized, at the theatre, Marco had accidentally bought tickets to see Spectre instead!  It was still fun and I'm a huge Bond movie lover anyway.  We went to the new VIP theatre at Lansdowne where they serve a full menu in your seats along with alcoholic beverages #hello

The tree is up!

Okay, confession: this tree has been up all year in a corner of the condo because we have no room in our storage unit.  Eek.  That said, I moved it to the living room, bought some pretty black & gold ribbon and used my little fur rug as a skirt.

Marco doesn't love this black feather tree and we plan to move it back to it's corner once we pull 'the real tree' out of said storage unit.

A new toy that came in the mail on Friday.  Can't wait to share more + this will be great for vlogging.

Saturday morning, pre-gym, pancakes.

We headed to Kingston after our workout and met Marco's Mom at the mall.  We poked around a bit, including the Hyba store--which is the workout line of Reitmans--and I loved this cute open-back top.  Perhaps something to add to my Christmas wish list...

Grabbing a quick mall lunch.  I went to a place in the food court called, Cultures.  Essentially like a fresh, build your own salad, panini and such.  I went for the Asian chicken salad but swapped out the red pepper, almonds, cheese and mandarin oranges in lieu of avocado, sprouts and extra chicken.  I had a side of sweet potato with it as well.

I have definitely been struggling with food choices on the weekends when we are travelling.  Fast food eating is the biggest struggle so options like these make it a bit easier.  That said, the guy was a little heavy handed on the dressing before I could say stop, but it's a give and take.

The next morning, we grabbed coffee (and eggs, if you saw my Snapchat!  I'm acoest1984 if you want to follow along) and went tree shopping.  We ended up finding this great tree at Michaels for Marco's Mom, and it was on super sale that Sunday only #score

We went back to the house and put it up, and started decorating it before we had to head back home in the late afternoon.

Sidenote: I'm loving this tree and want it so bad!


Also while at Michaels, I grabbed these adorable flecked-glitter letters for our tree.  I'm such a sucker for monogrammed ornaments!

Found a similar design on Etsy.

Pit stop on the way home.  I love the vanilla Greek yogurt from Tim Hortons.  Not the healthiest choice--I should probably forego the granola--but not the worst either, especially when you need a quick fix.

Sunday evening dinner:  baked chicken with sweet potato.  I had baked a bunch of chicken a few nights earlier so I baked the potato in the microwave and it was nice and quick but clean.

Hope you had a great weekend!



  1. ha~ I think I love that your tree has been up all year, haha. Now's your time to shine!! But really, I feel you because city living means lack of storage and it's so annoying. Food Choices have been hard for me lately too, ugh. You look SO GREAT in your bundled up gear.

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