Friday, November 20, 2015

Friday Finds

Who is ready for the weekend?  Me, me, me!

What are your plans?  Tonight we are going to see the new Hunger Games movie (I'm all caught up as of two nights ago), and Saturday we are heading to Kingston to visit Marco's family.  I'm also super stoked to pick up my new curling iron at our US postal box on the way; will share more in a video tutorial soon.

Have a great weekend!

Can't wait to go here next weekend.  Memories of last year here.

The final product of my Holiday photoshoot for Place d'Orleans.

Beautiful, ridiculously expensive lamp.

Shopping for my nephews; how adorable is this sweatshirt?

This kid's video is on point.

The perfect Christmas party dress.  #gasp

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas around here...

Photo taken at the Booby Ball last week.  See more with our friends here.

A few posts you may have missed:




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