Monday, August 18, 2014

Weekend Recap: iPhone Snaps

On Friday night I went to Nature Nocturne at the Museum of Nature; a once monthly event where they turn the museum into a night club with multiple rooms with different DJ's and sounds and more. Since it was the kick off to Pride Week here in Ottawa, this one had a burlesque and drag Queen show which was so fun to watch.

There was this huge octopus that hung from the ceiling and changed colours; trust me when I saw it was a huge photo-op to anyone with an Instagram account (ha).

 More photos after the jump...

Saturday morning I slept in and skipped the gym.  Marco went and brought me home a steeped tea.  We spent the afternoon cleaning the condo, doing laundry and enjoying some time inside while it poured rain all day.

Outfit deets:  Urban Planet coat (new!), Winners thin-knit sweater, Urban Planet pants & Puma shoes.

We decided to head out around 6pm, separately, to do some shopping.  I hit up the mall and scored a few cute things from H&M:

Faux leather moto-leggings | $40
These almost have a soft-micro-suede feel to them, and they look more faded and edgy.

Grey thick-knit stretch pencil skirt | $30
I didn't buy the top.

Purple & pink sports bra | $25

I grabbed a few groceries afterwards and Marco and I cooked dinner together around 10pm--I know, so late, but so enjoyable at the same time.  We had tortellini, garlic bread, caesar salad, wine and pie for dessert.

The next morning I slept in again and lazed around for a bit before getting my butt in gear.

Outfit deets:  Bench jacket, 90 Degree by Reflex tank, Mondetta pants & Puma shoes.
Marco's outfit: Under Armour tee & shorts & Puma shoes.

We were total matchers at the gym--so my planning, not his, but, I think secretly he doesn't mind.

After the workout it was onto an impromptu breakfast at Baker Street.

Then home where I got ready to film my next Place d'Orleans video.  This photo above looks nice but I was wearing tons o' make-up #filmingface

After a severe down-pour (and that reason I haven't been able to film sooner since it's been gloomy and rainy all week), the sun finally peeked through... and here is a sneak peek at one of the looks we filmed in the video (Marco manned the camera).

Later I had left over pasta while I procrastinated on actually editing my footage.

And then I started to edit and a couple hours later..

Marco insisted we go for Vietnamese food... and you guys know I cannot turn down Viet food.  Ever. Even when I'm not really hungry.  
...and then we couldn't not meet up with our friends for karaoke... I know.  Terrible, terrible procrastination...

...which is why I was up until almost 3am editing and putting together this blog post.  So THANK YOU for reading!  The video should go live this week, I will of course share it here, per usual.

Hope you had a great weekend!



  1. What a gorgeous beauty shot!

    A little random... I know the Givenchy Shark Lock boots are 2 years old now. Do you think they will be out of style this fall? I fell in love with the Aldo dupe from last year (I first saw on your blog!) but couldn't find them in my size. I just found a different comparable style but now I'm trying to decide if I completely missed the boat :/

  2. @Unknown: thank you! As for the Givenchy's, I don't think you've missed the boat at all and I can't wait to rock my Aldo ones again this year. I would buy them again this year if I could... in fact, send me the dupe link!! I'd love to see!! (Are they Enzo A's by chance??)

  3. The Enzos are sold out! And the Aldo Klarr. Ughhhh. This is what I'm considering:

    I don't think I've ever lusted for designer shoes quite like this! :)

  4. @Unknown: I saw the Jessica Buurman boots last Fall before I found the Klarr's! They have come down in price--I just wonder about the quality--where they heck does it ship from? It does say it's leather though... and they look IDENTICAL (well...) to the Givenchy's!!! They have a lot of nice 'inspired-by' shoes on the site... I've been tempted many times but never pulled the trigger...

  5. They ship from Australia. I did it! They're on their way and hopefully will be awesome. I'll let you know how it goes quality wise :) Thanks for the inspiration, can't wait to style them!

  6. @Unknown: EEP!! I can't wait to hear more, exciting!! Please share with me once they arrive :D


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