Thursday, September 12, 2013



Just wanted to pop in and say hi since I haven't posted today and I hate that.  To be honest, I feel like I'm in a bit of a blogging rut.  I don't have anything to talk about and my ideas have run dry.  It's not true but I haven't taken as many photos as I normally do and those are important to me, content-wise.  So, I'm sharing two photos from this week, the top one I posted on Instagram last night of what I was wearing and this bottom one--whoa! That's a close-up!-which I never posted but took earlier this week and was too shy to share.

So this week has been a great week, thus far and the weekend is quickly approaching, which is always a great thing...unless you're going through a difficult time, then I know how daunting weekends can be.  I've been there, through really difficult times where I could barely get out of bed let alone force a smile.  I dreaded the weekends and was so relieved when Monday morning came around and I could be back in my routine, despite feeling like I was barely holding it together.  If you're in a similar situation, I understand, I have been there, and I promise it will get better.  It's hard to say how long it will take, but I liked to try and remember that, 'One day longer, one day stronger' and I'm sending you a BIG HUG, where ever you are.

And, in other news, tonight is the night I go pick up my boots I'm having altered at the shoe repair!  I vlogged about it last week, and he said they would be ready today.  I took a bunch of (nice/good quality pictures, ie. not with my iPhone) photos of the boots before I dropped them off so will be able to show you the before and after!  I'm a little nervous, chopping off two inches of a wedge heel is kind of a big deal, but I'm optimisitc they will look great--and I will be able to wear them without coming in at 6'5.

Additionally, I'm going to do some shopping tonight with a girl friend in search of a dress for her to wear to an upcoming wedding, so that will be fun and am definitely looking forward to that.  Tomorrow will be birthday celebrations with a group of girls for a friend's birthday and I'm uber excited for Saturday as I'm taking a photography class to learn how to work the DSLR camera I'm using!  Bring on the weekend, I'm ready for ya.

Hope you're having a good day, and to those who aren't, do something that makes you happy tonight, if you can.  Last night I painted my nails and while this is something I do on the regular, I don't enjoy it, however, I'm really enjoying the results of it today; a small thing putting a smile on my face.



  1. I was hoping you'd post something today! I love watching your vlogs and reading your posts, I can imagine that it becomes daunting to think of new content everyday...which is why I've held off on starting a blog for so long! But keep on posting what you do, maybe some more craving posts on clothing, or you could start a new column on strictly Canadian clothing which I'd love to read (since I'm in Kingston).

    In other news, can't wait to see the boots, and check out Le Chateau for a dress, I just bought one last weekend for a wedding and it's gorgeous!

  2. @Nicole: Wow, what a nice comment, thank you! You really brightened my day even more! I will def post about the boots and check out Le Chateau, thanks for the suggestion!! AND, thanks for the sweet, understanding comment, I appreciate it!

  3. I've been following along with you since I can remember, and I honestly still look forward to reading your posts every day.

    And I liked your "too shy" comment about posting your close up picture, because often times you forget that some of your favourite bloggers can be just like yourself! :)

  4. @Renée: THANK YOU!!! Your comment brings a big smile to my face, what you wrote is so sweet and makes me feel so great that you've been reading my little blog for a long time :D :D wow, thanks!!

  5. "one day longer, one day stronger". This is so great, thank you for the advice. You're such an encouraging blogger, I really appreciate all your posts, no matter what!

  6. @Anon: You're so sweet and such an encouraging READER! Thank you for your comment, it's really, really nice to read :)


Only nice comments please. That means you, Anonymous.

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