Thursday, July 4, 2013


Outfit deets:
* H&M jeans (old).
* H by Halston cap-toe heels from Bakers (picked up in Vegas) which you've seen with maroon waxed pants, with a sequin skirt & when I went to Toronto in March 2013 for Fashion Week.
* Accessories: A.Co Designs key necklace & MK watch.

These photos are actually from months ago and I just realized I never posted them!  Nothing too special, a simple metallic sweater I picked up during my trip to Vegas and some skinnies for a casual Friday during the winter.  Definitely not wearing this sort of thing right now with the heat, thankfully.

How is everyone's week going?  Mine is pretty awesome (even at times when it's not so awesome, let's be honest, we can all be a little more grateful for what we do have, than what we don't) and I'm counting down till the weekend.  Love that it's a short week!

Happy 4th to all my American readers!  Thanks for your continued support, comments, likes on FB and Instagram and tweets.  And not just the Americans, but all my readers.  You guys really make blogging more worthwhile and more enjoyable so thank YOU.



  1. I love that outfit.

  2. I'm secretly glad it's from months ago - I like it a lot but was thinking it's kind of the opposite of summer! :)


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