Monday, February 11, 2013

Weekend Recap: iPhone Snaps

 I made a 'healthy' banana bread on Friday night using this recipe (however, I used whole wheat flour) and sadly it turned out very bland (and I like healthy tasting foods, so...).

Comfy pants for Friday night from my New Year, New You! video.
(I love that these are a skinny leg so they tuck into my Uggs nicely).

Friday night dinner (#spoiled).

Saturday afternoon shopping at Marshalls, Ardène & Garage (no purchases were made).
Outfit deets: H&M top (old), Sirens leggings (old) & consignment store bought necklace.

 Chinese take-out for Saturday night + many episodes of House of Lies.

Pretty flowers, just because.

 Home-made Saturday morning breakfast:  egg/cheese wrap.

On Sunday I showed my car twice (it's for sale) and did some shopping.
Outfit deets:  Thrifted jacket, Urban Planet sweater, Garage tank, Zara pants, Spring boots, Club Monaco scarf & Zellers fingerless gloves.

Picked up a Beauty Blender after watching countless YouTubers use it and rave.  Used it this morning for the first time and loved it so far.  Pricey, at $30 (with tax) but might be worth it.  I'll let you know after more use.

 Sunday night dinner: chicken pesto pasta with yellow peppers and zuchini.



  1. Omg, $30 for the blender? Eep! I know they sell them online for 2/$19! Maybe go back and talk to them and make sure they didn't charge you incorrectly. Hate for you to get ripped off. :(

    Aside from that, you will love it! Obsessed with mine. The cleanser that goes with it is worth it, too. xo

  2. Can you post some recipes of the food you make?

  3. $30 for the Beauty blender>>???!! Eesh, agreed with Christie, you can get them much much cheaper online, but at least you like it!! :)

  4. @Christie & Andrea: They have it online for $19, but if your order isn't over $50, you pay for shipping. It was $26+tax (which came out to just under $30). I cringed a little when I whipped out my debit car :S

    @Anon: Sure! You can always check out my recipes so far here:


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