Monday, February 4, 2013

Weekend Recap: iPhone Snaps

Denim on denim on denim.  Hanging my jeans to dry after several loads of laundry on Friday night.

Friday night dinner at my place, but not made by meee.

 Saturday morning breakfast date.

Saturday afternoon shopping.
Outfit deets:  American Eagle top, Parasuco jeans, Rampage boots & Joe Fresh necklace.

 New purchases (will be shown in an upcoming PDO video).

 Satuday night take-out: St. Hubert.

My new (official Olympic gear) Canada hoodie (scored this for 60% off!).

New little bear hat (to all my Canadian readers, Zellers has 80% off all winter accessories, making this little guy only $3).

Sunday am fuel.

Sunday afternoon I spent prepping to film and filming my next vlog for Place d'Orleans.  These three tops stole the show. 

Super Bowl party festive Jell-o shooters (there were ones for the Raven's fans too).


  1. Looking forward to your Vlog because I want to know more about those shirts! :)

  2. Looks like a great weekend, but don't you EVER eat anything else for breakfast?!!

  3. So glad to see that my Canadian Friends watch the Superbowl too!

  4. @Sam: Awwww!! Sweet! Thanks and more to come ;)

    @Charlotte: haha, seriously 'eh?! Well, I love love loooove that breakfast, and every other day of the week I eat either oatmeal, a shake or a 12 grain bagel with peanut butter so, that's a treat :)

    @Amie: the Superbowl is HUGE in Canada.


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