Monday, February 4, 2013

Need a Virtual Hug?

While reading one of my favourite blogs the other day, I came across a post with some really thoughtful words and quotes that completely inspired this post. 

I think we can read blogs and can live vicariously through someone else or simply envy or wish our life was as glamours, busy, expensive, fulfilling, creative... the list goes on and on and on.  And while it's a terrible thing, to be envy, and to feel envious, it happens.

I have gotten some pretty nice comments from you in the past, and comments even about how great my life looks and how my weekends, 'Seem so awesome;' which is really sweet, and I appreciate that.  That said, my life isn't all roses, and I wouldn't want anyone to think I don't go through hard times or have hard times.  I certainly do, but I don't always talk about them on here (imagine me posting a vlog of me sobbing over my problems?!).

I know there are so many people going through difficult things right now, and I have been there, I've been so low I didn't know how or where I would find the strength to come back out, or up.  Not everything is what it seems, when it's happening.  I know what it is like to feel sad for days, weeks.. months on end and I wanted to remind you that you are not alone.  Whatever you're going through, do not forget that.

We are all human, and experience highs and lows.  Sometimes I cry for no reason.  Sometimes I just feel down.  Sometimes I can't figure out why I'm feeling sad, and then sometimes the moment passes.  I promise this won't last forever though, and know that I'm thinking about you and sending you love

I wanted to share some of my favourite quotes that helped me through my difficult time in the past.  Sometimes I had nothing more than these quotes, and on days where I could barely get out of bed, they managed to breathe some life into me, and I hope they can for you too. 

* When I found these quotes, every time one 'spoke' to me, I typed it out and printed it.  I kept them all paper-clipped together for the days I needed a boost.  It really helped, and over time I added to my little stack and have shared a few with friends when they needed a boost too.  I hope if you're having a bad day, week or month (or months) this has given you even the tiniest boost.



  1. Thank you for sharing this A.Co. You know one of the things that really used to annoy me about Facebook is it used to actually depress me to see certain pictures. I would see of these pictures that my friends and acquaintances would post that made their lives seem 1000% better than mine. Mostly this would happen on days that I had the blues. I would think "Why are they so lucky and I am not" or "Why does she get to have this or that, and I don't, why am I not worthy?". Instead of being happy for them, I would feel bitter and sad. But then I realized, those picture are only brief snapshots in time of that person's life and of course they would post the "happy" pictures for the world to see. Would I ever post a picture of myself in my jogging pants crying into a Pint of Ben & Jerry's? Hells no! Also, those quotes are indeed very true. We all need to keep our hard times in perspective and realize that with time, this too shall pass.....

  2. Thanks for posting this! I have been guilty of reading blogs and thinking "God my life sucks" and then I have to remind myself that most people share the most interesting parts of their life. Again, thanks for sharing.

  3. You're amazing and this just goes to show you do care about the people reading this. As always, you made me smile tody and I'm sure you gave alot of us the little push we needed to move on from the crap that puts us down. Thanks!

  4. I love that you do this! I tend to do this on Pinterest with my "Words I Love" board. I put a collection of quotes/thoughts/ideas there and go to it if ever I need to be reminded how wonderful things can be/will be/are. Funny how words can be so powerful and help us put things in perspective.


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