Monday, September 10, 2012

Weekend Recap: iPhone Snaps

 After our baseball tournament, my bff and I were so sore we decided to skip our lunch time workout in favour of lunch out at Montana's (I got the trio-combo: half turkey club, small caesar & side chili).

 Friday night dinner: toasted tomato & avocado sandwich on Hungarian bread.

 Friday night out for a birthday.
Outfit deets:  Zara sweater, F21 shorts, Aldo wedges & vintage (thrifted) clutch.

 Saturday morning breakfast: home-made egg (Mc)muffin & milk.

 On Saturday we had 30mm of rain.  
The top picture is pre-storm, the bottom, during (taken around 11am).

 Later that afternoon, I headed out to the mall with my bff where they are having a Vlogger contest.  Basically, you shop, vlog and if you are picked as the winner, you get $300/month to shop and vlog for the mall for six months.

Would you vote for me?

 Trying on a signature, 'YOLO' outfit for my one and only.

 Filming my vlog for the contest.

 My bff gave me her two GlossyBox lip sticks 
as she doesn't like, '...hooker red lipstick' (but I do!).

 Saturday night I had my two favourite girls over for a girls night where we had some delicious beverages and food (nacho dip!).

 Saturday night comfies.
Outfit deets:  Walmart tank & Lululemon pants.

 Sunday's outfit.
Outfit deets:  Zara sweater, Silver jeans & Vince Camuto sandals.

 Sunday morning brunch.

 Lucky me.

 Fresh tomatoes from a country garden.

On Sunday afternoon I decided to replace my falling stick-on hooks with nails.

 Later that day, as it cooled off, I slipped on my favourite OTK boots 
and went to get some groceries for dinner.

Sunday night dinner: fajitas!



  1. Great outfits and great food! I love your yellow ruffled shorts. The vlogger contest sounds fun, best of luck to you!

  2. VOTED! I hope you win! x

  3. VOTED!! Good luck, you do this every day, you got this! :) xx

  4. Your Friday night outfit is HOT!! Love how you've styled those shorts.


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