Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Ottawa's Next Fashion Vlogger?

Shameless self-promotion alert!

On Saturday morning my bff texted me saying there was a contest going on at our local mall that was (in her words), 'Made for me,' and that I must enter.  Basically, you go to the mall, shop (with your own money), and then vlog about it (see my video here).  

The top 10 (via votes) will be called back this coming Sunday and given $200 for a, 'Shopping challenge'.  From there, the judges will pick the winner.

The prize?  $300 per month for the next six months to shop and be the mall's Fashion Vlogger!

You guys, I entered and want to win this so bad.  If you have a Facebook account, it will literally take you eight seconds to vote for me.  If you don't have a FB, you could always join, as I did just two days ago in order to vote for myself.  Ha!

There are only two days to vote:  today and tomorrow.

You can vote once a day and I need all the votes I can get!

Please please pretty please would you take eight seconds and cast your vote for me?  (Thank you!)

UPDATE:  I came in first place in the top 10 thanks to your votes!! Thank you all so much for voting!

The next step is this Sunday, where I have been invited back to the mall to compete in a Fashion Shoping Challenge against the other vloggers.  Afterwards, we pitch our end result to the judges and they will decide who the next mall Fashion Vlogger is.  Wish me luck!



  1. How exciting! I'll vote for you! Best of luck!!!

  2. voted :) Good luck!

  3. what a great contest! voted, obvi

  4. Greetings!
    Ottawa's Next Fashion Vlogger?
    Good stuff! I presume your trusty audience may possibly want further writing of this nature. Maintain the good effort!


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