Monday, July 30, 2012

Weekend Recap: iPhone Snaps

 Killing the week with one last workout on Friday before the weekend.

Arm stacks.

 Wearing my new DIY mint top again.
Outfit deets: A.Co Designs top & necklace, Seduction skirt, Club Monaco Belt & Dollarama ring.

 Ridiculously oversized (and delicious looking) cinnamon buns at Baker Street Café.

Brunch with a girlfriend on Saturday (and they had my favourite tea in the little silk bag!).
 Club sandwich (on home-made bread) with home-fries and fruit.

My niece, Piper.

Actin' a fool.
Outfit deets:  F21 top, DIY cut-off denim shorts & Misbehave sandals.


  1. Your mint top is cute! I also like your workout shoes!

  2. LOVE your rolex! insane

  3. ohhh love your mint top and your fab stack!
    and your niece is too cute for words.
    Chic on the Cheap

  4. Seriously, you have some of THE BEST shoes. I love those white sandals in the last picture. Also - I think there is nothing better than a great Friday pre-weekend workout! Just really gets you going!

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