Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Dating & Red Flags

Outfit deets:
* Brody Myles top via Winners, seen here with red pants and boots.
* InSight skirt (new!) via Winners.
* Vince Camuto 'Kastern' sandals (new-ish!) which you've seen with here with my crochet shorts.
* Payless nude pumps (new-ish!) which I've worn a lot including with dark denim skinnies and a purple top as well as with a thrifted purple dress.
* Accessories:  Aldo necklace, F21 square bangle & Gucci shades.

Let's talk about dating.

Dating can be fun.  Dating can be exciting.  Dating can be complicated, exhilarating and nerve-wracking.  Dating can be down-right disastrous.

I think we have all had our fair share of good, bad and ugly dating experiences.  My question is though, when you see red flags, when do you throw in the towel?  How bad does it have to get before you say goodbye?

I think it's important to set standards for yourself, of what you will and will not accept when it comes to choosing a romantic partner.  I think those standards can get a little foggy when you are wow'ed by other things that seem so great, and at the same time compromise is also important.  They always say hindsight is 20/20 so often looking back upon an experience you can say, 'Yes, there were many red flags that I chose to ignore'.

Be brave if you comment, what is the longest relationship you've had with someone that you knew was not a good fit for you?



  1. Love the skirt, I'm a sucker for the color and ruffles.

    As for bad dating...I was in a relationship for three years, and I knew at the end of the first year that it was bad and I should end it. Hard to give up when you've already invested the time and effort.

    Love your blog, have been following for quite some time. You are gorgeous!


  2. LOVE this outfit!! That skirt is so pretty and so is the color.

  3. It took me 2 years to get out of one that was going nowhere!

  4. I just ended a 6 year relationship and looking back, it's as if I almost knew from the start that he wasn't for me... I just didn't realize that I knew, does that make sense? About 6 months ago I had an "a-ha!" moment and put all the puzzle pieces together to realize that we aren't the right people for each other. Once I figured that out, it really wasn't THAT hard to end the relationship. It was actually a huge relief and source of happiness to end this chapter in my life since it was extremely positive and beneficial. I can't wait to start the next chapter even though all this time, I thought my entire book would end with him.

  5. All I can say ladies, she is toatally gorgeous, she is really sweet, nice, extraordinary and I will so badly miss her. I haven't been able to keep her happy because of my issues and Im paying the price now.

    creepy it is, maybe, but I miss her so badly.



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