Friday, September 2, 2011

Summer vs. Fall

September has started and fall is just around the corner.  While I absolutely love fall for dressing, I don't love what comes after it: a long cold winter.  I also find fall is too quick to arrive and too fast to leave.  I'm always sad to see the summer end too because (1) it's not long enough, and (2) I love the warm weather (and clothing and footwear that goes along with it).

When do you start transitioning into your 'fall' wardrobe?  Is it by a certain date?  Dependant on the weather?  Or do you incorporate fall-like clothing into your year-round wardrobe like me?

Needless to say, it's the last long weekend of the summer and I'm going to enjoy it to its fullest (hopefully in my swimsuit. C'mon hot weather!).  Hope you all have a happy and safe labour day weekend.  See you Tuesday!


  1. I normally transition into fall as the weather changes, hopefully itll stay hot for longer so I can transition slowly! I'm looking forward to wearing more chunky knits and oversized cardigans though :)


  2. i feel like winter JUST left us. it better not show up until january. or dec 24th cause snow for xmas is nice. lol


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