Thursday, September 1, 2011

DIY Easy (Healthy) Omelet

Someone pretty great taught me how to make an omelet... in the microwave!  Perfect for a 'gourmet' breakfast at work (beats my bagel); it's quick, it's filling, it's healthy but most important, it's easy.

When my bestie asked me how I was making this omelet, I decided to snap some pictures of the process to share with her, then thought you lovely readers might like to see it too.  Will you make this tomorrow morning at work?

 1.  Grab your ingredients (& be creative).  I like broccoli (but substituted spinach & argula this time), grape tomatoes & cheese
2.  Crack an egg...
3.  ...or four (but only one yolk; keepin' it healthy)
4.  Whiskkkk

5.  Add your veggies...
6.  ...and your chunks of cheese (I just rip the cheese apart) & stir it up
7.  Into the microwave for 2 minutes and 22 seconds (just because I like punching only one number, multiple times)
8.  And eat.


  1. I've tried this before and it works really good- esp if ur in a hurray and cant stand over the stove stirring...urs looks good!

  2. popped over via Chic on the Cheap
    love the egg in a bowl in the microwave omelete
    giving it a go in the am
    enjoyed browsing your blog and looking forward to popping over again very soon

  3. This looks delish! I'm definitely going to try and make this over the weekend and perfect my skills for the weekdays breakfast. It would be quite sad if I screw this up :)

  4. Made this for dinner last night. With toast and a glass of red wine. Totally awesome!

  5. looks yum and easy! you should get the egg white in the carton so u dont have to waste the yolks. i think its straight up 100% egg white with no funny stuff.

  6. Would this "someone special" happen to be your hubs or some other egg cracker? I bet he really knows his way around a microwave.

  7. I made this today!!!! Such a fast way to make eggs! Thanks!


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