Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Hair Risks

Thrifted Gap dress (last seen here), Qupid sandals, Old Navy (kids) belt, Joe Fresh necklaces, 
Charles Jourdan bag, Gucci shades, H&M and F21 bangles

Writers block.  Or as I like to call it, Bloggers Block.  What do you do when you suffer from it?  I'll either ramble or write about something completely irrelevant, or just not say anything at all.  With that said, let's choose the latter and discuss hair colour.  I am a (mousy) brunette, but clearly you did not know this from my photos as I hide it quite well (yeah right).  Recently, my girl friend suggested I do some sort of major overhaul with my hair (yelp) and I must confess; the thought scares (the shit out of) me.  First off, I love being blonde.  Secondly, after chopping off five inches off my hair almost three years ago (into an asymmetrical bob), I've been trying to grow my hair out (and am very reluctant to cut any of it).  Finally, it's summer, and summer is not the time I want to really switch it up.  However, I might consider something drastic for the fall.  Would you?



  1. Welcome back! When I get bloggers block I post the lamest thing. hahaha.

    I agree that the covet jacket would be better in leather.

    As for your hair. . . . Eek!! I am so so so reluctant to do anything with my hair. Part laziness and part fear that I'll look terrible. But, in the end hair does grow, and there are always extensions. Show some pictures of what you are thinking!

  2. amazing dress! you look so pretty

    BTW, I’m your big fan – your style is really original and I read your blog very often and I just wonder..if we could follow each other.. But even if your answer is “no” I’ll be still your reader <3



  3. I love your dress!

    I'm considering higligths. After a bad expirience, I've never done it again. But I need a change. So I will get them before my birthday on July

  4. I say go for it with your hair. I love being blonde too -- and I changed to brunette for a "quick change" and ended up keeping it for two years! I'm back to Blonde again now...but it was nice to switch it up for a change!

    In Fashion and Style

  5. YAY!! You are back! Missed you! I totally understand needing "breaks" Last year I took the whole month of May off.

    As for the hair... I understand your apprehension. I am more of my "natural" color and I really miss being platinum blonde. BUT my hair is healthy and GROWING now that I don't bleach it. So you could sacrifice color for length and then eventually have both! You will look FAB no matter what you decide!



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