Tuesday, March 22, 2011

What Spirit?

 Club Monaco top (last seen here), Jacob skirt (last seen here), unknown heels, Le Chateau bangle & g21 sunnies

Look everyone!  It's my St. Patrick's Day outfit...  Yeah, turns out, I'm not so good with the whole you-have-to-wear-this-certain-colour-on-this-certain-day-of-the-year.  I was rockin' a green belt with this outfit which I promptly removed upon arriving at work (that sounds familiar).  Then I was badgered with the, 'Where's your green, Amanda?' all day long (mainly by people not wearing green, might I add).

I got these shoes during my trip to Florida and they are so fab (yes, tooting my own shoe horn right now, so?).  They are super high, snug on the foot and they stay put when I'm running around work.  The only problem?  They kill my feet.  Like so badly I told my sister I wanted to chop my feet off that day (her response?  'Um, or you could just take them off...'  okay, smart-ass).  They dig in mad right where my toes meet my foot (aka the toe cleavage area) so badly that when I removed them (and this was constantly throughout the day, while sitting at my desk, rest assured) I had a massive indentation of a line running across the tops of my toes.  So sad.  So painful.  What a disappointment.  Fortunately I only spent $16 on them (I love that Ross store, I tell ya) but it's sad to know I'll likely always choose a different shoe before them.  Le sigh.



  1. At least the shoes didnt cost much. Theyre so cute!

  2. Hello I like your style, what color is your nail polish i love it.

  3. I love that outfit. I actually thought it was a dress at first. The heels are fab, too bad they are so painful though. I hate when that happens!

  4. I love this entire outfit! Screw green! LOL Is there any way you can salvage the shoes via foot pedals?? I always keep a stash on hand for when that happens and they have definitely saved more than one pair!


  5. I don't remember the last time I wore green on St Patty's Day! ;)

    Come check out my rope bracelet GIVEAWAY and enter when you get a chance!

  6. gorgeous dress and photos!! amazing shoes <3

  7. The nail polish is revlon in silver? I love it !

  8. I LOVE your shoes, its such a bummer they hurt...

  9. Love the shoes! Would inserts help? Hate it when they hurt!! xo

  10. Great shoes and love the whole outfit, you're a brave girl to wear it with all that snow behind you, were you not freezing?! :)

  11. Hey Amanda! Have been reading for some time now, found you through the JoeFresh tumblr. You could always ice-stretch your shoes. It works best with leather; synthetics you might have to do over a few times. Get a large ziplock freezer bag, and fill it with enough water that is roughly the volume of your foot. Insert the bag in your shoe. Using painter's tape, tape the bag to your shoe, paying tighter attention to the midsection and heel- if you don't wrap tight here it could stretch out the sides and loosen the heel. Throw the shoes into the freezer, wait until the water is frozen, untape, try on. Repeat if necessary.

    I've done this with heels and flats (mainly from Aldo), and it always works like a charm. Just enough stretch that the shoe is just slightly larger than what I could have broken-it-into.

    Hope this helps, Carolyn

  12. I'm drooling over that understated, clear bangle!

  13. My brother-in-law fixed a pair of shoes I had that did that to my foot! He just worked on stretching out that area of the shoe. It was so much better which was great since I was wearing them in a wedding!



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