Monday, February 28, 2011

Pretty Hair, Nice Belt

Pure by Alfred Sung dress, Dynamite blazer (last seen here), H&M belt (came with this dress), 
Aldo wedges (last seen here), Givenchy tights, Joe Fresh necklace & Sirens ring

Do you ever wear the belt that came with something?  I never do.  Okay, it's super rare.  This is no exception.  I was itching to pair this navy and white dress with a yellow belt but didn't have one.  I looked through all my belts and the closest thing was a light lime green belt.  That is until I remembered I had this belt, which I don't think I've ever worn, that came with this dress.  Perfect!  Done & done.

I am seriously itching for warmer weather so I can get back to taking photos outside, this is seriously a tease.

Finally, this dress was purchased on a recently shopping trip with my girl friend.  It's from Zellers.  Yes, Zellers.  I paid $35 for it, and it's lined.  Pretty, 'eh?  And no, that's not my real hair.

 I wear this blazer a lot but I never roll up the sleeves to reveal the you're-suppose-to-reveal pattern (stripes).  I just feel like everyone and their mother rolls up their blazer sleeves, that's 'the look' and I don't necessarily want to be 'the look', I want to make my own look.  I made an exception this time because I loved the idea of the two patterns playing with each other (the dress and the stripes).


  1. I love this look! And it at least looks like it must be warmer, hopefully it really will be soon :)

  2. That dress is gorgeous, and for $35?!? Uhm yea. Jealous that you can go bare-legged!

  3. Ooh, I think this is one of my favorites from you! You look gorgeous! Love the dress, love the shoes, and am desperately craving bare leg weather (I know you have some nude fishnets on there, but that still basically counts as bare leg!) Haha and what do you mean that's not your real hair?? I'm not noticing anything, other than it's looking pretty! Anywayyyy, gorgeous outfit m'dear! Hope you had a great weekend! xo!

  4. I love your outfit and those wedges are beautiful!

  5. love your shoes..and the belt does look great with that dress!

  6. i always roll up the sleeves on my blazers. the sleeves are usually longer than my arm so its definitely a more flattering look for me. lol

    Isabel @ Walk of Fashion

  7. Love the look. I kinda like the cuffed sleeves but I don't usually do them to my blazers either. But that just might be laziness not trying to avoid the trend. Your excuse is better.

    Ramblings of a Small Town Girl

  8. What a great deal on that dress-it's such a fun pattern and I love the colors. Your hair extensions look so real! I bought some at the mall a few years ago and they're too long. I'm thinking of giving them a haircut. Is that normal?? Haha.

  9. what a fun outfit! i adore it.



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