Monday, February 7, 2011

Apple Green

 Joe Fresh jacket, Stitches top (last seen here), Bongo pants (last seen here), Promise heels (last seen here), 
Emily Elizabeth necklace, Swatch watch & Aldo ring

I asked hubs to snap my photo with this outfit (as I've been totally slacking on outfit photos as of late, did you notice?  I know you did.  And it's not because I don't want to capture my outfits, it's just been bad timing lately) and handed him the camera.  The rest of the conversation went like this:

Hubs:  Uh oh... change battery pack.
Me:  What?!
Hubs:  Change battery pack.
Me:  No.  You're kidding.  It doesn't say that.
Hubs:  (showing me the camera screen) Yes, it says 'change battery pack'.
Me:  Well, we gotta capture this apple-green-ness that's happening here.  Let's use your iPhone.

And so we did.  Hence the semi-blurry photos, but I'll take 'em (hopefully you will too?  Ha, you have no choice I suppose).

On a clothing note, I was told by about 5 people how 'springy' I looked when wearing this jacket and while there is still tons of snow on the ground and spring seems years away, I can dream... and dress for it.

So I'm back home from my weekend away.  The party was fun and it was great to see family.  Lots of driving though (about 5 hours each way) but fortunately my Dad did all the driving and we hitched a ride.  Feels like I barely got a weekend because there was so much traveling!  I guess this coming weekend can't come soon enough (look at me, wishing the days away - oops).



  1. I love the green! Thinking about next weekend is a good way to get through Monday :)

  2. love that apple green colour!
    i am so over winter and want spring to get here ASAP.
    i am also wearing spring colours!

  3. i love those shoes but your feet must have been freezing!

    Isabel @ Walk of Fashion

  4. Your green jacket is ADORABLE and those shoes are fabulous! I'll totally take the iphone photos, I think they look really good!


    Classy & Fabulous

  6. I think the slight bluriness looks pretty dang good to be honest! Sometimes I feel like camera pictures take more honest pictures, the flashisn't as intrusive. I love the apple color but really, the star of this outfit is the damn shoes!

  7. Can we talk about those shoes?!?!?!

  8. want those shoes!!!! appears i'm not the only one.


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