Friday, August 6, 2010

Sparkle & Shine

I used the nail polish I won in Katie's give-away over top of a fave Zoya colour I have and am very pleased with the results.  I painted some opposing nails for fun.  I normally don't wear sparkly nail polish (just don't have any) but used to love it when I was younger.  It certainly brings me back and it's a great (nostalgic) feeling.

Zoya, 'Hope'   /   OPI for Sephora, 'It's Bouquet with Me'

* Want to be a guest blogger on A.Co est. 1984?


  1. It looks great - I love it! I usually layer it over pink colors, next time I'm going to try it over a purple shade :)

  2. I have done the same with my nails.
    Glitters everywhere. I adore it.

  3. ooh i love the nails...i lived in korea for 2 years and i got turned on to all kinds of fun nail stuff there...i especially love when people paint their nails with more than one colour...the ultimate fun!

  4. Love those colors. And I love glitter. Haha.

  5. I sometimes do the same thing, I just top my polish with some sparkles to mix it up :) This is a really pretty color!

    BBFF, Thank you so much for your sweet comment today. I know that post was a little heavy for a friday, but I feel like it's good to raise awareness for women on things like that and since I have first hand experience...
    To answer your question though, yes I am still on medication, which I will prob. be for the rest of my life. If left untreated I could have developed full blown diabetes, but on the meds, everything is in check. I used to have a real issue with depending on meds but I am 100% better now and because of how horrible the alternative is, I am willing to live with it!! Life is good again :):):)

  6. i love having fun with my nail polishes!! ah! after reading this post, i feel like going and doing my nails now! hehe


  7. I love the glittery nails! What a fun color. Have a fabulous weekend!



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