Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The Look for Less

{ Aldo, Geringer $110 }

You don't have to splurge to be stylish and I certainly live by that motto.  I found these great booties on Aldo's site and started to drool.  Fortunately, I've found a much cheaper (and almost identical) version at Forever 21.

{ Forever 21, Mistress $29.80 }


Leah said...

They really look the same... I agree with you, you can be stylish with a low budget. It's all about how you carry yourself. xoxo

Anonymous said...

Ooo, great find!

Gabby / Gypsy*Diaries said...

Coolio!!! Go for it! xxx


Anonymous said...

They are very similar, great find.

Unknown said...

love the F21 x

Alex Dom said...

fierce shoes!

ssmall4 said...

oh wow, those are almost identical! great job finding em!

ssmall4 said...

helloo me again:) blog award for ya!=)

Anonymous said...


Isabel said...

love the booties! and u cant go wrong for $30!

i have been teaching ESL for just about 2 1/2 years. i started right out of uni. i moved to korea for 2 years and now im living in south america. its an adventure!

S + Y said...

I agree 100%. I was thisclose of buying this strapless polka dotted dress from FCUK a while ago... thank god I didn't, because I found an almost exact replica at *gasps* f21! 30$ instead of 200$. I mean, what a deal! ;)

Valerie said...

Wow, great find! They look exactly the same. I might need to go check these out in person. :)

Alicia Lund said...

ooh i have been wanting strapped heels like these! i may have to make a F21 trip in the very near future!! :)

MsHark said...

They DO look exactly like them!

You can look like a million bucks and be wearing Target, it just depends on your style and how you put it all together!

BTW check out my first giveaway!


I am Khatu said...

I'm the same way, nothing better than a great deal.

Unknown said...

Pretty dang close girly. Nice find!

serenadeveryday said...

Dang.. they do look almost identical and it's for almost 1/4 of the price! I love the strappy bucket look. I must keep my eyes out for bargains at forever 21. This post is making me want to shop. =X

PS. You are so creative! I was looking at your old post and I really like your DIY shirts.

<3 Serena.

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