Friday, February 5, 2016

Friday Finds

Happy Friday!  This week has been a little long, for starters, I kept thinking it was Wednesday on Tuesday, so there's that.  Regardless, I'm really looking forward to the weekend.  

Tonight we are heading out to try a new Asian-fusion restaurant and tomorrow I am doing a photoshoot to help out a friend.  On Sunday we were thinking of skiing but it looks to be super cold, so that might not happen.  And of course, the Superbowl is happening on Sunday and we are having a party!  Hope you have a great weekend!

Love this backless top.

A cool two minute video about English words.

The perfect appetizer to bring to a Superbowl party.

Two-ingredient-cookies recipe (above).




1 comment

  1. I love this post idea! That men's hair article is pretty funny and that printable is cute (or should I say BEEutiful).
    xx, Pia


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