Monday, December 14, 2015

Weekend Recap: iPhone Snaps

On Friday night I went to a Girls Christmas Party at a friend's house where we were instructed to wear our Christmas jammies.  Turns out I didn't have any Christmas pajamas... until now.

I popped into Ardene and tried on a bunch of Christmas-themed comfy clothes and this thin, fleece onesie stole my heart.  I grabbed these cutie slippers as well, in white.

On Saturday morning we were up pretty early to go sign papers for insurance on my condo--which is closing today--and head down to New York state to our PO box to pick up some packages.


I knew we'd be heading straight to the gym after going to NY so I just threw my wallet and junk into my gym bag and called it good.

I shared this pic on Instagram, stating that Christmas came early.  Really excited for this jacket, will share a pic of it on soon (technically it's my Christmas gift so perhaps I should wait...?).

Our tree is up!  We had our annual Secret Santa with friends a few nights ago and we hosted for the second year in a row.  Had to get the tree up for that and we moved the black feather tree into the corner near the entryway of the condo.


I'm loving this mild December we are having!  It's almost unheard of to be mid-December without snow, but my shoes and I are pretty stoked about it.

We went out to Atari with some of Marco's coworkers on Saturday night and had a really nice dinner. It was our first time at the spot and the food was really delicious and flavourful.  I would highly recommend the tartar but beware as most of the plates are fairly small.

Sunday morning breakfast.

I worked most of the day Sunday, editing videos and then out to shop for a video.  I filmed and edited in the evening and late into the night (below). 

Hope you ladies had a great weekend & thank you for reading!



  1. Congrats on the condo completion! How exciting!
    And your tree is gorgeous :)


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