Friday, December 18, 2015

Friday Finds

Happy Friday ladies!  What are your plans for the weekend?  I've been out for half the week with a terrible cold, so hopefully I'm finally starting to kick it.  We are having friends over for a holiday dinner tomorrow night and Sunday will be a relax day.  Hope you have a great weekend & here are some fun links from around the web...

The secret weapon for your next move.

10 Dads that are killing the Snapchat game.

Love this bikini #ineedavacation

Since being sick, I've ordered this twice...

Finally, my first newsletter is going out today!  So excited to share fun, new things with you guys, plus recaps of things happening on my social media.  You can sign up here for the weekly email, if you'd like

Photo of me in the new condo that closed this week.

A few posts you may have missed...
* Fondue Friends-giving + 5 Tips for Hosting




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