Monday, October 19, 2015

Weekend Recap: iPhone Snaps


This weekend was part fun, part productive.  On Friday I wore my new flares which are super long.  I have these jeans in a shorter length that work perfect for flats but have been on the hunt for a similar pair that is long enough for heels.  I have a hard time spending big money on denim so when I found these at Winners, it was a done deal.


Friday's lunch--I'm a big fan of FarmBoy's salad bar and when I treat myself to it I always get this combination:  kale salad mix (with nuts, cranberries & wild rice), beets & ginger-sesame tofu.


On Friday night, Marco and I went to see Kevin Hart!  We bought tickets last month and had forgotten about the show with everything that's happened.  I saw someone post something on Facebook last week and it triggered me--I quickly looked up the tickets in my email to see it was that Friday!  It was an awesome show and we needed a good laugh and we got it.

At the end of the show, he took an Instagram video and in the pic below you can see Marco and I in the crowd!  We were in the 8th row--so fun.

On Saturday morning we hit the gym--I did a back workout and then we went and ran some errands including stopping in at Chuck's to grab my favourite panini.

I gave myself a mani-pedi in the afternoon; I went with Wicked on my fingers and e-nuf is e-nuf for the toes

Marco made this awesome blooming pizza bread in preparation for the party we were going to that night (see the finished product here).

...and I baked these 'healthy' cookies because I'm obsessed with them.  Seriously, try to make these and not eat the entire batch.  


Then it was party time.  Our friends hosted an annual wine mixer--essentially everyone brings a bottle of wine over $15, it goes on the table and you can sample any and every wine you'd like.  Some people brought some awesome apps too including the trout & smoked octopus baguette bites below.  #nomnom 

The next morning I whipped up some protein pancakes.

You ladies know I make these every weekend, adding a scoop of chocolate protein but lately I've been adding in a bit of oatmeal to give them some substance but also hold them together.  It really helps but they are definitely more dense.

I spent Sunday afternoon doing laundry, cleaning the condo & cleaning and purging my closet.  I'm thinking about having a bunch of girlfriends over for a big swap in the coming weeks in hopes to offload some items to a good home.

Super basic lunch because I was not leaving the house for groceries: whole wheat pasta, tossed with olive oil, sea salt & parmesan petals.

A few of you wrote to me about the SUBSCRIBE pop-up box that was previously on the site.  I'm in the process of setting up a weekly newsletter and wanted you to be able to sign up, if you wanted.  However, the pop-up was glitchy and I know a lot of you signed up but then it would still pop up when you visited (so annoying!).  All that to say, I've removed the pop-up altogether, but if you're interested, you can sign up for the newsletter here

Hope you had a great weekend & thank you for reading!



  1. Love, love, love the braille under the t-shirt!

    XO, Rach

  2. Just letting you know I still got the pop up.

  3. Thank you, Michelle--it's fixed now. Appreciate your comment!


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