Thursday, August 6, 2015

Place d'Orleans 2015 Fall, Winter & Holiday Photoshoot | Behind the Scenes

Yesterday was definitely a day for the books:  I was on set all day shooting with my mall, Place d'Orleans, for their 2015 Fall, Winter and Holiday the model!

As most of you know, I'm the Fashion Vlogger for the mall and create monthly videos for their Facebook page and YouTube channel.  I always share my videos here and they are always about current trends, how to style and generally upbeat and easy-going videos.  This year, they asked me if I would be interested in modelling for their major, annual shoot and of course the answer was yes!

I'd love to share more plus a bunch of photos if you'd like to see...


I arrived at the studio at 8am where everyone was busily getting things set up and prepped for the day.  There was coffee, muffins and fruit on hand to kick start the morning.

The photographer and assistant put together the set while the stylist prepped the wardrobe and everyone got settled in.

After a quick coffee and hellos, I was whisked into hair and make-up, which was about six feet away from the set, and Erin Heather got to work on me right away.

Then I was dressed in the first look and it was go time.  This look is definitely not one I would normally gravitate towards but have to say I'm loving that hat from Le Chateau!

On to the next look, a quick touch up of the make-up and into some new clothes for something a little more bohemian meets western.

After the second look, everyone took a break for lunch.  Our photographer had ordered the most delicious sandwich platters from Art Is In Bakery--to die!

I, however, was back in hair & make-up, salivating over everyone's eats while we prepped for the next look!  Not to worry, I got to eat afterwards.

This look felt pretty and feminine and I loved the hair and make-up for it. 

Check out this mini-Instagram video of me modelling.

Give me all the accessories!

Afterwards, it was back into hair and make-up for pin curls and a fresher, cooler weather look with flushed cheeks and pink lips.

This fur coat was gorgeous, and this was by far my favourite look--easily something I would wear myself.  Everything about this felt chic and right... and extremely sweaty since it was the beginning of August!

Next up, the set-up for holiday where the prop stylist, Oliver Sternberg, threw these polka dots all over the floor to look like mod snow--such a neat idea!

The photographer, Nick Lafontaine, showing me how to pose for a shot he was hoping to achieve--which I likely did not deliver... but I tried!

And finally, a quickie peek at another holiday outfit--those boots have rhinestones on them and yes, thats a faux fur throw around my arms.  If that doesn't scream holiday, I don't know what does! #alltheglam

That's a wrap!

Thanks so much for reading and all your supportive likes and comments on Twitter and Facebook, you ladies are great!  The photos will be featured on the mall website, doors, brochures and transit shelters.  Stay tuned for the final results, a giveaway on the Place d'Orleans Facebook page and a behind the scenes vlog from the day (btw, did you catch all my Snapchats?).

Special thanks to Emily & Amber for the photos.

Client | Place d'Orleans
Creative Direction, Marketing & Production | Banfield Agency
Studio Location | House of Common
Photographer | Nick Lafontaine
Stylist | Patricia Coté
Hair & Make-Up | Erin Heather (read more about what's in her make-up bag)
Prop Stylist | Oliver Stenberg

Related posts:
* Modelling for the 2012 Place d'Orleans Holiday Campaign | Behind the Scenes



  1. SO COOL! What a great experience that must have been. I can't WAIT to see the finished product! YAY #PROUDOFYOU!

  2. @MelMac: Awww Melly, thanks so much!! <3

  3. Ahh this is so fun! I would love to do photoshoots like these one of these days - all the pampering and posing! So cool.

  4. Oh Amanda, I'm so happy for you! What an amazing experience!! I hope that you don't mind my saying but I don't think that the stylist does nearly an amazing job as you do. The first three looks made me shake my head in disappointment because no one does it like you and this definitely was not your look. I loved the fur coat outfit, though, and would have been tempted to bring that beautiful fur home with me. Is there any chance that they could use you as the stylist next time?? I wouldn't have given most of these outfits a second look, however, I am so in love with absolutely everything that you put together.

  5. @Nancy: :) thanks girl! Definitely a lot more work than it looks like!! Kudos to the REAL models.

    @Rexford: awwww thank you!!! Some of the looks were definitely not my choice, but certainly on trend :P You're so sweet to suggest me--thank you! Not sure that would be an option, and to be honest, she does an amazing job pulling racks on racks on racks ;) of clothes -- that's definitely a hard job!


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