Monday, February 23, 2015

Weekend Recap: iPhone Snaps

I woke up on Saturday to a full on snowstorm!  

tank (similar) // leggings (similar) // headphones

I got ready and headed to the gym for a chest workout.

 More photos after the jump...

Then I was working with clients for a styling job during the afternoon.

Spotted this gorgeous, boxy, stripe top by Lord & Taylor at The Bay--I'm definitely coming back for this!  It's similar to this one that I own.

I was supposed to go out on Saturday night for a friend's birthday but was feeling really under the weather (and being out all day wasn't helping my case).  I made myself a sandwich for dinner (turkey, prosciutto, provolone, tomatoes & mustard) and got into bed with a movie (Serendipity--it's been a while!) and crashed early.

The next day I met up with Sarah, we went for brunch (and her hubby joined us) and then... much needed pedicures.  

We did a little shopping for her at Banana Republic and then I went home and rested (and waited for Marco to return from his trip!).

Happy Monday!



  1. Why do you always seem to be feeling under the weather? It's like at least once a month you have a cold, or you're not feeling well enough to go to work, or you're just not feeling 100% so you skip other plans....should take vitamins or get more sleep or something? It seems like you get sick or just don't feel well on a pretty regular basis.

  2. @Ashley: I don't know, I take vitamins and aim for at least eight hours a night. My body seems to be taking a beating this winter which isn't the usual for me. I'm doing my best, Ashley.

  3. Brrr, that snow would make me want to stay inside!

    I like the striped top.

  4. @Dawn: thank you!! OMG I know, we had one day where it was the coldest day in Ottawa in over 100 years! WHAT! GAH! I'm definitely ready for Spring :/

  5. Fun weekend! And your workout style is adorable.


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