Saturday, January 3, 2015

My New Years Resolutions for 2015

Over the past few years, I have made resolutions such as, pay off my credit card each month, create weekly content for my YouTube channel, floss daily, sew a clutch and a skirt, and grow out my nails.  These are all challenges for me personally, but attainable if I put in the time, effort and discipline.

I'm of the mindset that New Years Resolutions, while challenging, should ultimately be attainable.  I never center mine around working out, weight loss or dieting.  As someone who tries to get to the gym two to three times a week, aims to eat fairly clean (70/30 is probably my ratio, which could be a bit better, but I love treats and they bring me a lot of joy, so there #isaidit ) and work on my own mind set about my body, New Years is not the time to put even more pressure on myself for that.

With that said, I'm making three new resolutions for 2015, so here we go...

1.  Buy quality, less quantity.

I'm a sucker for a good sale and a quick deal.  I love beautiful pieces, but often 'cheap out' and buy an inexpensive version that doesn't last and is disposable.  I often feel I cannot afford higher quality pieces when in reality, if I stopped buying cheap clothing frequently, I could add some beautiful, classic pieces to my wardrobe.  Now that's not to say I'm going to pass up every tempting Forever 21 deal, but I'm going to try and save for things I really want to add and keep in my wardrobe for many years to come.

2.  Drink at least 3 litres of water a day.

I read an article at the beginning of December about this woman who went from drinking very little water to a gallon (3.78L) of water a day and the photographic results were incredible.  Not only was her skin plumper and her fine lines diminished, the dark circles under her eyes were almost non-existent and she looked 10 years younger!  Since reading the article, I have been trying to drink a gallon of water a day.  I'll admit, it's not always easy, especially that last litre, but I have noticed an improvement in my under eye circles and my mood seems uplifted.  I already drink quite a bit of water, but want to continue this increased intake--a natural skin plumper & added health benefits?  I'm in.

3. Cut stress in half when hosting.

I love hosting parties, and Marco is seriously the best team mate to do so with, but regardless of how prepared I am, I'm always panicking and stressed until the moment the first guest arrives.  Ultimately, it takes a lot of joy out of hosting a soiree altogether.  Over the holidays, I was talking to coworker who hosted a dinner for 32 people! She is a straight up superwoman so I had to ask, does she ever get stressed (no), and could she offer any advice to help me.  Her major tip?  Plan the menu in advance and stick to it.  The second and final tip?  Have a couple glasses of wine as you're prepping and waiting for your guests!

Are you making any resolutions?  I'd love to hear in the comments below.


  1. I love that your ideas (including this resolution) always entail making yourself that much better, that much more inspired. It's always so lovely reading your always makes me realize how much catching up I have to do ;) Good luck with all that water, by the way, I might just take something out of that too....

  2. I love that you shop at a variety of price points but I must admit that my wardrobe primarily consists of Aritzia and Club Monaco items. I, too, am very careful to keep within a budget when spending and only shop on the sale racks of CM. Remember your $9 grey cashmere scarf from Club Monaco? What a deal! It just shows that you can have quality without spending a fortune. Years later, you are still loving the scarf!

    I've tried the water thing but, since I'm a teacher, I can't run to the bathroom as frequently as I'd like. I'm going to work towards finding a solution to this somehow. I agree with you that water is so important!

    Great resolutions Amanda! I enjoy each and every one of your posts! :)

  3. @Alisa: Thanks girl and thanks for your comment. I'd love to read some more from you too!! ;)

    @Cheryl: thanks so much and YES!! That Club Monaco scarf sure has gotten a ton of wear and still does (great memory!). Thanks so much for your comment :)


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