Friday, December 12, 2014

Secret Santa Party

Last night, Marco and I hosted the second annual Secret Santa friends party at our place with a group of 15.  What a hoot!  Everyone brought a dish for the potluck and let me just say, some of our friends have a passion for cooking (we even call one friend the Cullionaire, he's that good).  From gourmet deviled eggs, to spicy shrimp, fancy cheese plates to take-out egg rolls from the best Chinese spot in town, and more--the food table was bumpin'.
We drew names over a month ago and set a $30-no-gag-gift limit.  I think everyone was pretty happy with their gifts from cool printed screen tees (like mine below!), amazing hot sauces, a board game, fancy liquor, a customized blanket, jewelry and more.  We chatted, drank and ate our way into the night while Christmas music streamed from the speakers.  A real festive and fun night leading up to the holidays.


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