Monday, November 17, 2014

Weekend Recap: iPhone Snaps

Happy Monday ladies!  This weekend was productive and enjoyable: I got all the laundry done, cleaned the condo and spent time with friends.  A well rounded weekend.  I've got a ton of photos to share with you so here we go...

Outfit deets:  F21 shearpa jacket (also love this one), Jacob sweater, Seduction denim, Aldo Klarr boots (similar mid-calf style here) & Aeropostale cross-body bag.

On Friday after work I ran some errands including hitting up Winners.  I snapped a selfie before going into the fitting room.

Clearly I have a distinct colour palette.  Who am I kidding?  If you've been following for a while, you know I'm a huge fan of neutrals which is why everything I tried on was black and grey.  That said, I didn't love anything enough to bring it home with me (and felt a little guilty too about spending money on myself when Christmas is just around the corner).

 Photo-overload after the jump...

Instead of making dinner for Marco, he grabbed us jerk chicken from a local Caribbean spot we like.  The best part?  Jamaican patties!

Outfit deets:  90 Degree by Relflex top, Kyoden sports bra & leggings, Nike Free 3.0 shoes (love these), Harbinger gloves & Dre Beats Solo

Saturday morning we hit the gym and did chest and good news!  I'm going to be sharing my fitness posts starting this week so be sure to check back.

Outfit deets:  Stitches onesie (similar but more expensive)

Then we hit up the mall in search of onesies!  We had a late (Canadian) Thanksgiving planned for that night with the friends we went to Barbados with since we were on vacation over the long weekend.  Since most of our friends have onesies, except the hosts, we decided to plan a secret onesie party and surprise them.  I picked up this pink, fuzzy bunny onesie, ha!

The beautiful table setting, ready for Thanksgiving dinner!

Outfit deets:  Garage long cardigan, Stitches open-back tank, Urban Planet faux leather leggings.

After dinner it was onesie time!  We surprised the hosts--unicorn onesie & orange fox onesie above--by secretly changing and parading out in our new outfits then gave them theirs to change into!  What a silly and fun evening.

Sunday morning it was snowing!  What!  I guess winter is upon us because it didn't stop all day.  I will admit I was a teeny bit excited to see snow but I know the feeling is fleeting.

Outfit deets:  La Senza crop top (similar), O'Neill tank (similar), 90 Degree by Reflex leggings (seen here in purple, similar & I love these) & Aldo leg warmers.

I threw on this super old cropped top sleeve thing and leg warmers to leave the house.

We did back but at the end of the workout I did a few sets for biceps while waiting for Marco to finish up.  He snapped this pic without me knowing which was a bonus (and appreciated).

Home for a late breakfast.

Outfit deets:  H&M sweater (old).

Then I got dressed and filmed two videos while there was still some natural light.  A hair tutorial on this look above (coming soon) and a Forever 21 haul (below).

Outfit deets:  Joe Fresh top & Ardene sweat shorts.

Marco made an amazing chilli in the slow cooker before we left for the gym so this was so perfect for a cold, snowy day later that evening (with peering eyes from below).

And a new t-shirt my guy bought for me, showing support for his fave team.

Hope you all had a great weekend, see you tomorrow!


Anonymous said...
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Unknown said...

The onesie Thanksgiving is hilarious! Looks like a great night :)

Amanda @ Life with A.Co said...

@Jill Sarah: thanks so much! :)

A Labour of Life said...

love the onesie party and go Pats.

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