Wednesday, August 27, 2014

DIY Inexpensive Household Cleaner

Okay you guys, I have the best kept secret when it comes to cleaning my shower and I'm sharing it with you here today.

Here's a little back story: I hate cleaning the shower.  Like, hate, hate, hate.  It is probably my most dreaded house-hold chore and before Marco and I moved in together, I would seriously let it go as long as possible (did I actually just confess that on the Internet?!  Ew).  

When we were looking for a place to live, we immediately fell in love with this place but my second thought after seeing the beautiful glass shower was, 'Omigod, I'm going to have to clean that'.  I was cringing before we moved!

Luckily, a good friend shared this 'recipe' with me and I have been cleaning the shower like clockwork every weekend.  This little concoction has turned the task into something that's not so dreadful, plus it doesn't take much elbow grease, it's super cheap and relatively good for the environment.  Win, win, win!

Let's get started.

More after the jump...

What you need:
* White vinegar ($4)
* Dawn ($3)*
* Empty spray bottle ($1)

I have made this five times since we moved in March and I use it to clean the shower, sink, toilet, kitchen sink and the glass top stove.  It works amazing and I would never, ever go back to purchasing those pre-made products like Vim, Mr. Clean or the like; this seriously works better than anything I've ever tried.

* I have tried other dish soaps (Sunlight) and it doesn't work the same.  It has to be Dawn if you want the best results.

Fill your bottle half-way full with the white vinegar.

Then, fill the remainder with Dawn.

Voila, and you're done!  

I like to spray the shower top to bottom and let it sit for a good 20 minutes (or more).  The longer the better.  Then go in with your bath loofah (or whatever you prefer) and the dirt easily scrubs away--and it gets super sudsy, which I like.

Have a great day, ladies!



  1. OMG Perfect timing! I was looking at my glass shower this morning thinking about how it needed a good cleaning but nothing works! This is happening tonight!!!!

  2. Thanks for sharing! My shower door NEVER looks as clean as I want it to. Going to try this soon!

  3. This product works perfectly!! Love it too!!!

    If you are looking for is on sale at Food Basics for $1.99 this week!! And there are online coupons for $0.30 off..

  4. Great tip! I don't have an enclosed shower but hate trying to get soap scum of the wall tiles, so I'm gonna give this a shot!!!

  5. That was a great advice! since the birth of my girls, I try to be much careful about what I use for cleaning since most commercial products are full of chemicals, and those that are not, are too expensive!
    thanks for sharing

  6. Wow you have done a great job in preparing these natural house cleaners, well I purchase these cleaning products from market as most of the companies are providing natural and harmless cleaning products at reasonable costs. This way I am saving my time and efforts.

  7. My family and I are always looking for ways to save money, so we try to make our own cleaners. I like to make all-purpose products to save a little time when cleaning. Our all-purpose cleaner is made of Castile liquid soap, washing soda and borax. Sometimes we add in essential oils to give off a scent of lemon or lavender.

    Bo Tolbert @ HJS Supply Co.

  8. This is amazing, Amanda! Thanks so much for sharing! I love Mr.Clean, but it stinks and started making my skin itchy (when I'd use it without gloves). Thanks for this easy, safer recipe!



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