Monday, July 21, 2014

Weekend Recap: iPhone Snaps

On Friday night I got home and had a headache and a pretty awful day, so I got into my comfy clothes and watched some YouTube in bed.  I decided to whip up some thai chicken lettuce wraps (recipe coming soon!) since I had some chicken in the fridge once I started feeling hungry.  

Outfit deets:  90 Degree by Reflex tank, MPG leggings, Velocity sports bra & Nike Free 3.0.
I chatted with a girlfriend and since Marco was away for the weekend with some friends, I decided to lift my spirits and hit the gym.  I had a good workout and came home and edited my Katy Perry footage into a mini recap video of the concert.

More photos after the jump...

On Saturday morning I was up around 9am and while I normally hit the gym on an empty stomach, I was famished so whipped up an egg + 2 egg whites and a coffee (in the Keurig) which prevented me from complaining--to myself--about my hunger during my workout.

Outfit deets:  Marika Tek tank & MPG shorts and sports bra.

My girl friend picked me up around 1pm and we decided to head to Milestones--again--and enjoy the sunshine on the patio.  

We ate like Kings (Queens?) and stuffed ourselves silly.  I love the food at Milestones, and they recently changed their menus (above) which have a cool look but the same dishes.

Outfit deets:  Profile swimsuit cover up & Aldo sandals.
We did a bit of shopping afterwards at Winners and Zellers.  If you're in Ottawa, have you been to the Zellers in Bells Corners?  It's like a huge warehouse for all clearance items from The Bay.  We walked in and couldn't believe how massive the clothes and shoes sections were (and they have mens,  children's and furniture too!).  

I tried on several items but this Profile swim coverup is still on my mind.  I didn't purchase it but when I sent the pic to Marco (later that night when I was home), he loved it so I might have to go back for it.

Outfit deets:  Lola playsuit (seem here in Vegas the first time), Iro heels & LJC Designs iPad mini case used as a clutch.
Later that night, I met up with a different friend downtown for some drinks.  We sat outside, people watched and chatted till midnight.

Outfit deets: Kyoden sports bra and pants & 90 Degree by Reflex tank.
I got a late start to Sunday but made my way to the gym around 11am.  Taking photos in the gym can be aw-kward so I snuck into the empty studio space to get my flex on.  Seeing muscle definition (when I flex) is such a huge accomplishment (who's arm is that?!).  I have been really consistent with my workouts and while the changes are very slow, they are appearing and that's what counts.  

I stopped weighing myself about two months ago because I was becoming too focussed on the number and getting upset that it was going up / staying the same.  Ultimately, I'm doing my best: working out almost daily, eating fairly healthy (I will always love treats and cocktails) and just doing my best.  If doing your best is parking a bit further, or taking the stairs, so be it.  Every little bit helps, it's the effort that counts.

I spent Sunday afternoon doing five loads of laundry, cleaning my closet and vacuuming (okay, Rosie the iRobot vacuums, but still...).  I eventually showered and headed out to my grandparent's place for a big dinner with the family.  It was delicious, per usual, and since I couldn't decided on red or white, I had both (but ended up only liking the red and having just one glass).  Not seen though, the peanut butter cream pie that was served for dessert (omg).

After dinner I grabbed some groceries at Walmart and went home to see Marco who had just returned from cottage country!  #reunitedanditfeelssogood

For dinner I kept it simple with skinnies, wedges & a silk top.

Have you guys tried these?  I saw them while grabbing groceries and decided to give them a go.  Verdict is they are awesome because I finished the bag (ack!).  They are made with brown rice but still 'chips' so really, eating the entire bag isn't ideal but these are definitely a wicked substitute for Doritos and GF too.

Hope you had a great weekend yourself & as always, thank you for reading!



  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Get a life, so much hate it's sad. Why read her blog if all your going to do is spread hate?! Grow up you sad pathetic jealous child!!

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    5. No what's annoying is someone who spreads all this negativity and acts superior but doesn't even have the balls to say who they are... Hiding behind anonymous?? Really?? So if you're not jealous do you just have nothing better than to follow the life of someone you clearly don't like? Because I think that may be even worse... How much free time do you have? I'm not sure if you're a ramdom person with nothing better to do than sit on the internet spreading hate or if you're someone who knows her and just doesnt like her but either way this is pretty pathetic. Maybe your her ex's new gf and in that case it would be funny because clearly Amanda wins in this situation and you're just insecure :)

    6. Tara: you're so awesome! THANK YOU for the kind words and having my back. Loved reading this from such a loyal friend. Cheers xo

    7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    8. What is your problem? There's details about everyone's lives online and you're the one choosing to obsess over hers... Clearly I hit a nerve though. And no one said anything about you being in love with her......

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Are you cyber stalking her boyfriend and friends??? That's beyond creepy and weird. Do you even know her? Or him? And btw did you know men and women can share platonic friendships? I know that may be big news for you so I'll give your small mind some time to digest it.

  4. Oh anonymous. So early to troll and hate and try to start shit that isn't there.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. Lol thanks my friend (love the user name ;)

  5. I think I actually might be addicted to those Rice Works! I can not open the bag without eating the entire thing...they're just so yummy!
    By the way, you can definitely notice you're making progress in the definition department! Keep it're looking great! :)

    1. OMG I'm glad I'm not alone, Renee!! Haha! They are delicious!!

      Thanks so much for the sweet comment too, you know what's it like!

  6. All that good looks so yummy, awesome accomplishment on the definition in your arms. You're doing it right, I wish I'd get off my butt and go to the gym! Ha I've wanted to check that zellers space out for months, now I'll check it out!

    Have a great week

    1. Thank you soo much! Go to Zellers and let me know what you find!!!!👍

    2. I will :-)

  7. You can definitely see the definition in your arms! I need to get my butt to the gym.

  8. We all know there is only ONE person crazy/pathetic enough to come on Amanda's blog just to comment negative things.

    The ones that bash others for no reason are insecure and are jealous of others.

    your food looks good ACO! :)

    1. Agreed! ^^

    2. Thanks for reading, being so positive and sticking up for me. Means the world xo

  9. Great pics!!! Food looks delicious! Specially those thai chicken lettuce wraps!
    Lakshmi in Trance

  10. I discovered your blog in 2010 when i moved from Connecticut to rural Pakistan with my family (long story)your weekend iphone snaps are like crack to me. your doing an awesome job!!! keep it up!!

    1. OMG that's awesome!!! Thanks for sharing and spreading a smile across my face :)

  11. Wow. This person eats out a lot.

    1. Who cares, people eat out everyday..

  12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Why waste your time and post a comment?!

    2. Keurig is terrible for the environment. A plastic container for every cup. But perhaps better than driving to a coffee shop for a cup.

    3. I just find it funny that you care so much as to she states she uses a Keurig. Just read & keep scrolling...your comments ridiculous!!

  13. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  14. Props to you for doing fasted workouts...i just can't, i wake up way too hungry. Fantastic pics!!!

    1. Sometimes I simple can't either. Strange but I used to wake up STARVING, my whole life, and in the past three years id say, it's slowly changed. I'm definitely still hungry but am able to often get through a workout (with a lot of, I'm so hungrrrrrrry's "


Only nice comments please. That means you, Anonymous.

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