Thursday, February 6, 2014

Style Ambassador | Clearly Contacts

Outfit deets:
* Forever 21 coat (old) that you saw on my birthday last year (...speaking of birthdays, I've got a special one approaching quickly).
* Urban Behaviour pants.
* Aldo Klarr boots--my favourite and their first snowfall, worn specially for this shoot, and then quickly brought inside and dried off.
Accessories:  Dolce & Gabbana glasses.

Guess what you guys?  I'm the newest Ambassador for Clearly Contacts!  Heyooooo.

We did a fun little interview and they let me pick out a new pair of glasses.  I chose these chic cat-eye frames because I've been wanting to get a pair and this was the perfect opportunity.  They are pretty bold, but I love the plastic frame and the gold plate detail on the arm.

As soon as I placed my order I knew exactly what I wanted to pair with the glasses to make them pop: this oversized leopard coat--which btw, I'm wearing a leather jacket underneath for additional warmth--black skinnies and boots.  It was pure luck that huge snowflakes began to fall from the sky and we experienced some milder weather so we could shoot outside.  

Hope you are all having a great weekend--almost weekend time--and if you're in need of some glasses, pop over to Clearly Contacts and use discount code ACOSTYLE to get 25% off your order.

Photos by Serena Rivard.



  1. That's so awesome that you're their ambassador!
    Those look super cute on you by the way!

  2. Oh hey new blog layout. I love it!! A new layout has been on my to-do list for over a year. Ahh!

    Loving this leopard coat, too. Hope all is well in your world!!

    Thanks for visiting pursuit!

    Pursuit of Shoes

  3. I have these boots as well... do you find the fold drags on the ground?


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