Monday, December 16, 2013

Weekend Recap: iPhone Snaps

Welcome to your new home!  These Aldo, Herveline over-the-knee boots are finally mine.  

I had initially purchased a pair of black OTK boots with a pointed toe--similar to these--but when they came in, the leg portion was huge on me and they looked cheap and plastic (but cost $140, so they shouldn't--they are no longer available).  I immediately found these instead but couldn't pull the trigger right away as they were $250 and didn't come in a size 10.  

I waited and checked the website every day, and happened upon them at the mall.  The display was a size 9 and it turned out to be a perfect fit, which is odd as I'm always a 10.  I went back the next day, returned the other ones and as luck would have it, they were marked down as part of a three-day sale for $160!  I made the exchange and went on my merry way.

My weekend began Thursday night--as I took Friday off--with a Secret Santa party among friends.  This was a stellar gift table and you already saw my charcuterie plate I brought.

I scored a beautiful, custom necklace which I tweeted about.

Friday was spent running errands and prepping for the surprise 60th birthday party my mom, sister and I were throwing for my dad that night.  We spent all day at my sister's chopping, cooking, preparing the food, holding my nephew--naturally--and be very sneaky about it.

Later on that evening, waiting for my parent's to come home to a house full of people, tons of food and a great celebration.

My Dad and I at the end of the night.  He was so surprised!  I made a little video about the party if you care to watch.

Saturday morning gym sesh; my best attempt at a pull up.  Seriously.

Lunch at Chuck's.

After lunch we poked around Marshalls.  I spotted these Puma x Alexander McQueen hi-top kicks.  I thought they were cool looking but I didn't get them; I'm on the fence about whether I'll still be loving wedge sneakers come Spring--it's been two years since first coveting, they might be getting played out.

This weekend was freakin' freezing (-30 degrees Celcius) so I was bundled up everywhere I went.
Outfit deets:  Winners beanie, Bench jacket, Club Monaco scarf & Ardene mitts.

Saturday night: Chinese food & Home Alone movies with my man.  Perfect night to stay indoors during a snowstorm.

Cuddling with #eveyabish

Sunday morning--er, afternoon--brunch post gym.  We sped through the meal to get errands run and a football game watched.

I'm trying so hard to grow out my nails for Christmas--that was my goal when I started about three weeks ago.  See that gash on my ring finger?  It's from my nail!  That's progress.  I have a terrible nail biting habit so I'm so proud to get them to this length.

Sidenote: I lost that midi-ring at my Dad's surprise party.  Wah.

Sunday evening chilli & work (blog, YouTube, etc.)

Happy last full week before Christmas!



  1. Those boots are AMAZE! They are incredible, even better that you didn't have to spend $250.

    Don't you just love Chuck's? I grab a Panini there from time to time and it's always SO GOOD!

    Great re-cap Friend! ;-)

  2. What is your boyfriend's cat's name? Eve? Eveyabish? The latter seems like an odd name.

  3. @Mel: YES!! I loooove Chuck's, the panini's are sooo good. If I worked close by I'd be grabbin' panins all the time ;)

    @Allie: LOL it's Eve, we just hashtag the photos of her because can you imagine how many #Eve 's there would be? :P

  4. Just caught the video of your dad's b-day surprise party & oh my gosh, his tee!!! The RGV area is my hometown area. Small world!!


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