Friday, October 11, 2013

Before & After (pair #2): Shortening Wedge Boots

(old & no longer available)

Oh happy day!  The second pair of boots I had lowered / shortened are finally home with me.  If you're new to this story, you can see the before & after shots of the first pair here.

I had a couple complications with these boots, but I'm really pleased with the end result.  These are boots I've had in my closet for 3+ years and had kind of forgotten about because the wedge on them was so massive; and I mean that in a height and unsturdy kind of way (but mainly height).  I had worn them a couple times and then stored them under the, 'These-make-me-6'6-so-I'm-not-wearing-them-anymore' category.  Now, after shaving off almost two inches, I can wear this more comfortably!

Unfortunately, I didn't take any quality before pictures but I have a few that I snapped while at the shoe repair as he was sawing off one of the wedges.  Better than nothing, thought, right?  Right!  Proceed!



Related posts:
* Before & After: Shortening My Wedge Boots (part 1 / the other pair)



  1. I totally avoid confrontation at all costs and definitely would've sent my best friend too! The boots do look great though. And even though $60 is more than you wanted to spend at least it isn't as wasteful as having boots you spent money on but don't wear (I have a closet full of that ;-))

  2. @Amanda: Thanks!! And yeah, true, I agree, I'm happy I like them now and will actually be able to wear them (finally!!) :) Thanks for your sweet comment.


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