Wednesday, October 2, 2013

A Pat on the Back

Outfit deets:
* Urban Planet top (old).
* Sirens pants (the same ones I have in camo).
* Shoemint 'Romy' heels which I recently got (and love, and am making the most out of any sunny and beautiful day to wear them because Winter is around the corner).
* Accessories:  Limite necklace, MK watch, Aldo bangle & Urban Planet 'love' bangle.

I'm stoked to share these pictures with you because (1) I took them myself, and (2) do you know how hard it is to get a blurry background when photographing yourself?!  I kind of can't believe these photos turned out so well and am patting myself on the back a little.  The photography course that I took a few weekends ago is paying off (not that it was expensive to begin with, but worth it for sure).

To de-glamourize these photos, I spent about 35 minutes focusing, adjusting, running back and forth between each, single, self-timed shot.  Lots of frustration but also some victories as proven by these photos (hoorah!).  I kind of wanted to include more but it would have been photo-overload, and I already feel it somewhat is.

Hope everyone is having a great week thus far.  The past two nights I have spent at Place d'Orleans pulling outfits and shoes for the upcoming #MYVIPNIGHT on Saturday!  I'm styling six outfits and all the shoes for the fashion show, which is very exciting.  It's going to be a great event and I'm excited (and a little nervous) to host.  I hope you can make it out, I would love to meet each and every one of you (and get pictures?).  You can find all the details HERE.



  1. Great job! Taking pics yourself is tough. These look great.

  2. Great job with the pictures- they look really good! Love the outfit too.

  3. Have you figured out what you're doing about your condo yet?

  4. you need a remote control for your camera! I just got the nikon d5200 and the remote is awesome. you can set it to shoot 2 seconds after you click which is very helpful for blogging purposes.

    Isabel @ Walk of Fashion

  5. Already said so on instagram, but I love this outfit! The whole look is incredible.

    Have fun at the Place D'Orleans event! I was hoping to go but I don't think I can make it because I'm going to Beau's Oktoberfest that day. Too bad. You'll be great!

  6. @Isabel: I just bit the bullet and bought one :P Thanks for the tip, I hope the one I got can set it a couple seconds after I click it so I'm not doing the dreaded 'holding the remote'-post :-/

    @Kelly: awww bummer! We had talked about going to Beau's tonight but decided against it. HAVE A GREAT TIME!!

  7. Wow, these pictures look ahhh-mazing! Very impressive!


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